Chapter 8: Wait What?!

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Hey guys! So I'm updating once a day for a week starting today!! I might do more who knows??  Well, I hope you like, and keep reading! xoxo


Louis's POV: "Well lads, lets go.  Looks like the girls are leaving us. Hullo? Niall? Liam? Earth to Niall and Liam." Wow they are still staring at the elevator.  Its way at the end of the hall, how can they even see the girls?? "I didn't want to have to go this far," I mutter to myself. "but desperate times call for desperate meseasures.  NANDOS!!!! SPOONS!!!!" I shout. "What?!" Niall and Liam say at the same time, and turn back to me. "Sorry I had to go there guys, but you were staring at an elevator." "We weren't staring at the elevator, Lou." Niall says. "Ya," Liam continues.  "We were staring at the gir-" he stops himself, turning red. They both turn beet red, and smile at the ground. "As I was saying," I start again. "The girls are going shopping, so I guess its BOY TIME!!" "ugh, here we go again," Liam says. "oooooooooooh Harry," I shout, at the same time that Niall yells, "Nandos!!!!!"

Liam's POV: "Am I the only one that is normal around here?" I murmer. "Shut up, Maya lover!" Lou shouts, before running in the hotel room and jumping on Harry. Niall turns to me. "Will you take me to Nandos, pleasssse Liam?" "Haven't you been to Nandos enough this week? Never mind don't answer that." I say, knowing Niall can't possible go to Nandos enough.  "I'll take you, Nialler." "YESSSS!!" He shouts, and runs into the hotel room.  "Lads, we are going to Nandos!" "Ok, Zayn says. Just let me fix my hair."

Niall's POV: We're at Nandos, when Harry turns the conversation to girls. As usual. "Boo  Bear I'm so happy for you and Ellery! You seem really happy together." Harry starts.  Louis's eyes get a faraway look. "Yes. Yes we are. Wait what were we talking about?" He says. "The girls." Zayn reminds him. "Speaking of the girls," Harry starts. Does he realize he started talking about them? I think. "Maya's pretty hot don't you think?" "What??!!" Liam, Louis, and I say at the same time. "What's wrong, you three? You act like I've never had a crush on a girl before." "Uhhh, you don't really like her do you Hazza? You always think girls are cute." Louis says. "Not this time, Lou," Harry says. "There's something different about Maya. She's like, one in a million. No, more like one in a billion." Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Liam. Every word Harry says makes him grow stiffer and stiffer. This is not good. "I know what you mean, Harry." Zayn says. "I feel the same way about Val." WAIT WHAT?!?!


El's POV: We finished shopping at dELIA*s, Forever 21, Gap, and many other stores. After eating some sushi, we decide to go back to the hotel. With our arms loaded with bags, we grab a cab. On the way back there's a roadblock. Tons of girls are standing outside a restaurant. When we see the name, we know. It's Nandos, and I bet anything the boys went there. Thinking we'll just ride home with them, we get out of the cab and try to push through the girls. We finally get through them to our boys, but I don't see Louis. I look a little ways down the road, to where there's no girls. There's only a couple, at a stop sign. Wait! That's not a couple. That's Louis, and he's kissing another girl.

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