Chapter 4: I Forgive You: Part 2

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El's POV: When we get back to the hospital from Nandos, Liam comes running up to us. "What's wrong?" I say, worried that something happened to Maya. "Nothing. Nothing, it's great news." he says. "Well, dont scare us like that next time!" Louis says. Aww he's so sweet. I think to myself. But I just say, "So what's the news?" "Well, when I was talking to Maya..." "Are you sure you were just talking?" Niall says. "What do you mean Niall?" Liam asks. "What do I mean? Come on, everyone knows your like in love with her." Niall says. Liam blushes. "I am not; I was just really worried about her, like the rest of you." "Come on mate," Lou adds. You stared at her while she slept, for ONE WHOLE WEEK!!!" I'm a little confused. I mean, I don't think Val and I noticed Liam crushing on Maya, so what are Louis and Niall talking about? Oh well, I'll find out later.

Liam just stares at the ground, and then mumbles, "Do ya wanna hear the news or not?" "YES!!" we all say. "So when I was talking to Maya, the doctors came in, and they said that she could leave the hospital tomorrow!" "Yes!" We all say. Then Louis says, "So what are your guys plans now? Like how long will you stay?" I turn to Val, "How long do you think we could stay? A week so that we can have our vacation like we were supposed too?" Niall interrupts saying, "Hey, we could be your 'tour guides' in a way, since we've been here before." "You would really do that?" Val says. Gosh she's falling hard for him. I think to myself. But who am I to judge; I mean, I'm falling pretty hard for Lou myself. "Well, we'll discuss it with Maya first, and then let you guys know!" I say. "Okay." Lou says. "Hey El," he starts. "yes?" I say. "um, well, I really hope you can stay here longer. And we can see each other more." I blush. "ya, me too."

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