Chapter 6: El's Story

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Maya's POV: it's 10 pm at night. I'm just watching tv when el and Lou come in. They both look pretty happy, and he's holding her hand!! "night luv," he says. He kisses her on the forehead and then goes to his room. Ellery sits down on the bed with me, and we both talk at the same time. As she's saying, "u will never believe what happened!" I say "SPILL!!!" then we burst out laughing. "ok," el says. Then she says, "wait, where's Val? I want her to hear." "um I think she's still at the pool downstairs with niall, zayn, and Harry. Liam didn't go cuz he said he couldn't since I couldn't. He said he would feel too bad." I say. "he really cares about u." el says. I blush cuz we both know tht I have a thing for him. Just like el has a thing for Louis, and Val has a thing for Niall. I mean, we have since we were 13! "well, I think the pool closes at 11, so we can just watch tv til Val gets back." el says. So we settle down on the bed and turn on dance moms.

Val's POV: Niall drops me off at the hotel room, while Harry and Zayn go back. "u have fun?" he asks. "hec yes!!" I say, opening the door. "Val come on!" maya says. "el has to tell us something!!" "shhhhh," I hear el say. "nialls out there!" Niall laughs his beautiful laugh and then says, "I can hear u girls in there!" "just come on Val!" maya says. "we've watched an hour of Abby Lee waiting for u!" "k coming!" I say. "bye Niall, cya tomorrow." "bye luv." he says. I blush, wave goodbye, and step in the room. The first thing I see is El's face. I've known her since fifth grade, and i know that whatever she's gonna tell us is very important. The only time she's ever looked like this is when she got accepted to dance in the NYC Ballet. I sit down on the bed with them, and then El starts the story....

Louis's POV: I'm talking to Liam in our hotel room when Zayn and Harry walk in. "Where's Niall?" I ask. "oh, walking Val back to the girls hotel room." Harry says. "ooooooo" I say. Cuz me and Niall have been talking bout el and Val lately. "well, when he gets back, I have to tell u lads something." I say. "ok boo bear!" harry says, cheeky as ever. "I told u not to call me that!" I say. "fine." he says, but we both know he won't stop.

Five minutes later Niall walks in. "have a seat." Harry says. "Louis," he winks at me, "has some news to tell us." "ok." Niall says. "let's hear it." I take a deep breath. "ok, so, I um. I ask El to be my girlfriend today." everyone starts clapping. "finally!" Harry says. "how did u know, Harry?" I ask. "I only told Niall." "I'm hurt u didn't tell me." he says. "but I could tell all along! I know u!" "I didn't tell the rest of u because I knew you'd make a big deal out of it. I didn't want el to feel insecure around me. I know that she feels that way sometimes, but I want her to be herself around me. I like her that way. Plus, Liam was stressing about maya; we all were. And since Niall had to talk to me about some stuff, too, i decided to confide in him. Besides, u guys all know now. "what stuff did u tell Lou, Niall?" zayn asks. "um, time for bed guys." Niall says. We all laugh, but we r all tired so we decide to go to sleep.


Next day


El's POV: Me and Lou are going to a movie today. The girls helped me get ready, and now we're at the cinema. During the commercials, we just talked. It's nice that he listens to me. Not a lot of boys have. I've waited til today to tell him I'm a ballet dancer, because I'm not sure if he'll think it's weird or not. But if we r going to be in a relationship, we need to be open. "hey Lou." I say. "yea babe." he says. "I have to tell u something. Be honest if u think it's weird." "what?" he asks. "well, my whole life I've always loved dance, and wanted to dance. And I currently am part of the NYC Ballet." i wait to see what he's going to say. "whats wrong with that, luv? It's so cool that u can dance, and I even bet your better then zayn. Why would I think it was weird?" I wait a moment, and then answer. "when I was younger, a lot of guys I knew made fun of the fact that I did dance. It really hurt, because that's what I love to do. They thought it was so weird though, and I didn't know what you'd think." "oh el," he says. "who could ever be mean to you? Your amazing, and I'm not just saying I think it's cool because I like you. I legitly think it's awesome that your a professional ballet dancer. We're both into the arts, too. Your amazing el, and never let anybody tell u differently." I smile, almost tearing up because he's so sweet. No guy has ever said that to me before. I give him a quick kiss before the movie starts, and right as it does, I hear him say, "I can't wait til I get to see you dance. I bet your the best one there."

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