Chapter 2: Waking Up

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Maya's POV: What....where am I? This isn't my bed, or the hotel room bed. Where is El and Val? We went to Chicago for a vacation, and to hang out. We were still in Chicago weren't we? All of the sudden, El and Val run into the room. "How are you feeling?" Val asks cautiously. Now that I think about it, my shoulder kind of aches, and so does my head. "I feel pretty good, except for my shoulder and head, why do they hurt though?" "Well," Ellery starts, "we were going to the Sears Tower, and when you walked across the street, well, um, you got hit by a van."

Suddenly, it all comes rushing back to me, the pain, being in the street. "Wait, how long was I passed out?" I ask. Val and El exchange a look. "What? How long? Tell me, I'm not a baby!!" Val sighs. "ok, you were out for a week." "WHAT?! We we supposed to fly back in a week? Did we miss our flight? It's all my fault!! I'll pay for your tickets, I'm so sorry!" "Shhhhhh" El says. "Its ok, we aren't mad, we were so worried about you, we didn't know if..if...if" and El starts crying. "I'm sorry," she says. "Its ok," I respond. "I just feel like its my fault that I was so stupid to run in front of the van."

"Its not though," Val says. "The guy that hit you is mad at himself. He's been here all week, watching and checking on you to make sure your still breathing and everything." "Oh what's his name? I want to thank him. That's so sweet! Is he still here?" "Oh yes, he's still here alright." Says Val. "You want to see him first, or should we tell you his name?" "Why does it matter?" "Oh it matters," El says. They look so excited. I don't want to hurt their feelings, but it doesn't really matter to me. I just want to thank him. I decide to go along with them. "K what's his name?" I ask. "Welllllll......." El starts. She's smiling so big, maybe it is someone important. "JUST TELL ME!" "ok," El continues "you ready?" "YES!!!!!!!!" I practically shout. "K calm down, but I'll tell you. It's Liam Payne!"

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