Chapter 9: Explaining

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Updating again like I promised! Hope you enjoy!!


Louis's POV: "GET OFF ME!!" I yell, and finally push this perverted girl off of me. I know we have fans, but this girl was being extreme. Practically attacking me, and kissing me. I walk back to the boys. Maybe I'll be safer buy them. I see Maya and Valerie in the crowd, talking to El. Maybe we can get them to call a cab. "Hey Maya! Val! Can you get a cab for the eight of us?" They turn their heads at the sound of my voice. As they walk towards me, I see something in their eyes I've never seen before. Hurt? Anger? "What do you mean, eight of us?" Val asks. "Don't you mean nine?" "What?" I say, confused. They both slap me. "Don't play stupid Louis William Tomlinson!" Maya shouts. "El saw you. How could you do that to her?" Well I'm confused here. We just went to Nandos. "Ladies, I think we're on different pages here." "No Louis," Val says. "I think you're the only one that doesn't understand. Ellery gave you her heart. You asked her to be your girlfriend. You made her feel special. She's never had a real, official boyfriend before. And what do you do? You go and break her heart, and you haven't even been dating a week. Way to go." They both hit me again, only harder, and then start walking away. Waaaait, there's only one thing that's happened that could've made them this mad. "Do you mean El saw that girl kissing me?" I shout, so they can hear. They turn around. "What do you think, Lou? No, she didn't see that at all?" Maya says sarcastically. I start laughing, and then I see their faces. Probably not a good idea. I stop laughing and start explaining. "Okay, you guys know we have fans, but you haven't seen all of it. There's the fans that scream, cry, and tell us they love us." At this Maya and Valerei blush, but I continue. "And then there's the messed up fans. They'll try anything to get us to notice them. Their really messed up; they don't know when to stop. I didn't kiss that girl; she just came up and threw herself on me." I feel like I might have gotten threw to tem at last, but then val starts talking in a hurt voice. "Haven't you hurt Ellery enough? Now your being mean to us too? Do you think we're stupid, just cause we're younger than you?" She sniffs. "Ya," Maya says. "if that girl had really jumped on you, it would've been back there where all the fans were. Not a hundred meters away where nobody could see you. We're not dumb, so stop acting like it." They're not understanding what I'm saying; I want to be with Ellery, and not anybody else. "Okay girls. I'm going to say this, and you have to believe me? Please." They have to. I would never kiss someone else when I was in a relationship, especially with El. "When the fans came and started screaming, I tried to get away and call a cab, or you guys. But this one really creepy girl followed me, and then started kissing me. El must have only saw that, because I pushed her away as fast as I could. She wouldn't let go though. I feel horrible now, but I didn't do it. Please believe me!" I am not loosing Ellery right when I got her. As soon as we started dating, it felt like my life was complete.

Maya's POV: He does seem sincere. I mean why would he ask El to date if he was a player. He wouldn't want to have a relationship. I look at Val. I can see she's thinking it over too. Maybe we shouldn't have hit him that hard, we just didn't want to see Ellery hurt. Valerie and I make eye contact. We nod our heads at the same time. "We believe you." I say. "Sorry about hitting you." adds Val. "It's okay," Louis says. "I can see what it must have looked like to you three. Shoot I gotta go explain to El. I hope she forgives me." "Don't worry," I say. "If she doesn't, we can talk to her." "Thanks girls," he says. "it means a lot that you trust me." And he runs off to find Ellery. "We still have to call that cab don't we?" Val asks. "Yup." I say. "Looks like we gotta take care of this." We see that Lou got tackled by the fans again. "I better go find El, and make sure she's okay." I say. "Can you get a cab?" "Sure," Val says, and I run off to find Ellery.

Lou's POV: I explained everything to El when we got back to the hotel. Thank goodness Val got us a seven-seater cab, or that would have been awkward for everyone. With Ellery mad at me, Zayn and Niall liking Val, and Harry and Liam liking Maya. Only two of us had to double up, so I sat with Harry. When I told Ellery what happened, she understood. She apologized for jumping to conclusions, but I feel worse. It'll already be hard for her to trust me, since we're famous. And now, not even a week into our relationship, some girl kissed me. I convinced El it was just a misunderstanding, and we're good now. I'm so happy. If she had been mad, I don't know what I would've done. She's amazing.

When I walk into the hotel room Liam asks me how it went. "It went great." I tell them. "We just had a misunderstanding. I have to say, when Val and Maya confronted me, I could tell they care about Ellery. Your girls can hit pretty hard." I say to Niall and Liam. Zayn and Harry hear me when their coming out of the bathroom from brushing their teeth. "Whose girls?" They say at the same time. It's completely silent in the room, the longest silence we've had since we all met. Oh, crap.

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