Chapter 3: Is It Really Him?

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Val's POV: Maybe we shouldn't have told her, because the next thing we know she passed back out. "Shoot!" El says. "how could we be so dumb? Of course the shock of it being Liam Payne (or any of One Direction) could have put her back under." "Maybe we can tell her a little more gently when she wakes up again." I suggest. We decide to do that, and then take a seat and wait.

Liam's POV: The lads made me go back to the hotel to take a break from being at the hospital because I had been there all day, every day, until closing hours. It's been exactly a week since the accident, and if she doesn't wake up soon, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself. I'm so exhausted from being awake with worry all night, but I lay down on the bed I share with Niall, telling myself it's only for a little bit. In less than a minute, however, I'm fast asleep.

Louis's POV: My phone vibrates, and when I check to see who's calling, it's that cute girl, El. The one that was friends with Maya. The seven of us (me, the lads, Val, and El) had been talking a lot in the past few days, while we were waiting to see if Maya would be okay. Except for Liam, he was always at the hospital, taking to the doctors and worrying all the time. I mean, we were all worried sick, but Liam actually blamed himself, when it was a complete accident. When I answer my phone, I hear El's sweet voice. She sounds happier than she has all week. "Maya woke up!" she says. "You guys should come see her. Oh, and bring Liam. We told her about him, but she passed out again. I'm sure she'll be up by the time you get here though." "Ok, on my way," I say. "and ya, we'll stop by the hotel and get Liam, I'm sure he'll be happy." "Great," she says. "Oh, Maya's waking up again. Gotta go, bye." Then we hang up. "Guys," I say. "Maya's awake!" "Really?" Harry says. "Thank goodness!" "Yup, she just woke up a few minutes ago." I tell him. "Now lets go get Liam!"

Maya's POV: That was a weird dream. El said that Liam Payne was the one that was driving the van. That he was the one that hit me. I look at El. "Did you really say that Liam was the one that was driving the van?" "Oh good. You remembered," El says. "Yes he was. He feels so bad." "It's ok, its an accident." you say. "I'm not mad." "Well," Val says. "why don't you tell him yourself? He's here now." ohmygosh is she serious. I nod, completely amazed. I still can't believe it will really be him. The door opens, and I strain my neck (even though it hurts), to see who it is. "oh flacking goodness!!" I whisper, and then it goes black again.

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