Chapter 10: Tell The Girls

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Sorry this is short guys, but I hope you like!


Lou's POV: Shoot. Harry and Zayn heard me. Well, this is awkward. "Whose girls?" I say. "I was talking about, um, uh," I grab my phone. "oh look El texted me, I gotta go." I run out of the room as fast as I can, and go to the girls room, knocking on the door like a maniac. El answers. Gosh she's pretty. Focus Lou focus. "Lou?" she says, confused. "Big problem Ellery, can I come in?" "uh, ya." She says. "What happened?" Val and Maya see me. "Did something happen?" Val asks. "uhhhhh, kinda?"

I say. Trying to smile cheekily as I look at all three girls. "Tell us!" Maya says. "Well, some of the lads have uh crushes on you two." I say, pointing at Maya and Val. "omg really?!" Maya asks. They blush and whisper something to each other, and then start laughing. "Which guys?" Val asks. "I'm not really supposed to say," I mutter. "So you came in here to tell us that some of them have a crush on us, but your not going to tell us." ugh, I should've thought this through. Now what? Can I tell them. I think of a good way to put this. "Let's just say, two of the guys liked you, and now all four do." I say. "Wait," Maya says. "So two guys like me and two guys like Val?" "yup." I say. "that about explains it!" "well," Val says. "what?" I ask "TELL US!!" They both scream. "I can't," I try to explain. "I promised them I wouldn't!" "ugh Louis Tomlinson, your kidding me." Maya says. I open my mouth to defend myself, but there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I say, because I have to get out of this. They'll convince me to tell them, and then Niall and Liam will never trust me again. I open the door, and Niall and Liam are standing there. Really?! Could this get any more awkward? "Hi Lou," Niall says. "Is Valerie here?" "uh, ya." I say, and he comes in the room. "Val, will you come talk to me?" I have to tell you something." "Sure," she says, and they go into the hall. Liam comes through. "Maya, I need to tell you something too? Will come with me?" "of course," she tells him. So now they're both going to tell them, I hope. "oh, young love."" I say to Ellery. We both start laughing. "thanks for coming over Lou," she says. I love when she says my name. "sure, anytime." I tell her. "but I better be getting back now. See you tomorrow el." I give her a quick kiss and then head back to our room. What did I miss in there. Did they work it out, or are Harry and Zayn going to try to get the girls too?

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