Chapter 4: I Forgive You

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Maya's POV: I wake up to Liam stroking my hair. "Hey Maya, do you feel okay?" He asks me. "Ya a lot better now." I say, and smile at him. This is a dream come true. Liam flacking Payne is sitting on my bed, talking to me. "Maya, I'm so sorry," he starts. "it's all my fault your in the hospital." "No it's not," I say. "I'm the one who didn't look when I ran across the street, you can't blame yourself." He shakes his head. "You don't understand. Louis always drives the van. But you know how slow of a driver he is. I told him I would drive because it was killing me how slow he was going. But if he had been driving, there would have been enough time to slow down, and you wouldn't have gotten hit. I'm so sorry. Could you ever forgive me?" "Of course I can. I do forgive you." I say. "Besides, everything happens for a reason. I mean, if this didn't happen, I would never have gotten to meet you." I tell him. "I know," he responds. "I just wish we could have met under different circumstances.

Niall's POV: So while Liam talked to Maya at the hospital, me, Louis, Val, and El went to the opening of the first Nandos in Chicago. We left Zayn and Harry at the hotel, because they said they'd been to Nandos enough already. Valerie and Ellery were really excited, because they'd never been before. Louis and El sat on one side of the table, while Val and I sat on the other. Lou had told me he was falling for El, and i sure as hec was falling for Val, but we didn't know if they were, too. I mean, we knew they were fans, but not who their favorites in the band were. We didn't know if they would want to go on a real date with us yet. Oh well, I'll just enjoy being at Nandos with Val right now.


Hey guys! Hope you like! Sorry that it's short! Just comment if you want more and I'll write it today. Thx!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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