Chapter 3 - Drive.

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Chapter 3 – Drive

Selena's POV

"You can open your eyes, now!"

    I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times to realize that we were at the Fair. My eyes widened and I couldn't prevent a huge grin from appearing on my lips as I turned around to face Jacob, who was smiling down at me.

    "Oh my god! The fair? You're the dopest best friend ever!" I squealed, my arms automatically wrapping around his waist as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

    When he called me saying that he had a surprise for me; I never imagined that it would be the fair! It was one of my favorite places to go and I'm so glad that Jacob knows me so well.

    "I know I am," he said, pulling away with a bright smile on his face. "Let's go in now. You can thank me for being amazing later."

    I rolled my eyes but the smile I wore never disappeared as I walked inside, hand-in-hand with Jacob.

   My eyes widened when I saw the small stand where you could win teddy bears at our right side.

   "Hey," I pinched Jacob's arm to catch his attention.

   "What?" he hissed.

   "Get me a teddy bear," I said, crossing my arms over my chest childishly, giving him the best puppy eyes ever.

   "Get it yourself," he scoffed playfully.

   "But it'd be cuter if you're the one who got me it," I pressed, pouting my lips to convince him. He cannot resist to my pout. It's his weakness.

   He looked down at me, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of defeat. "God. That's why I never wanted a cute best friend. You make it so hard on me," he muttered under his breath as he started walking to the game where we could win teddy bears. I smiled triumphantly as I followed him.


   "Oh my god! It's so cute, thanks Jakie!" I exclaimed, grasping the teddy bear and holding it tightly to my chest.

   "I'm just the best at that game, yunno." He replied cockily but I was too happy to throw back a sarcastic remark about his cockiness. Call me childish for being so happy just for a teddy bear; I wouldn't care.

   I suddenly felt as if someone was watching us but I shrugged it off as Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked further in the fair.

   "Wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" he asked, beaming at me.

   My grin grew ten times wider as I nodded my head excitedly.

   "Hello," a voice suddenly said. It was an accent which seemed really familiar to me. Jacob and I both turned around to find Justin standing there, a teasing and playful smirk playing at his lips. Does he follow me around or something?

   "Yes?" Jacob asked, confused.

   Justin's eyes flickered to mine, that smirk never leaving his face. "How're you babe?" he asked and I felt anger boiling inside of me.

   Jacob raised an eyebrow at me, as if asking why is that stranger calling you babe?

   "I was great, before you came," I said through gritted teeth.

   His eyes sparkled in amusement, "Oh love. We both know you're happy to see me, aren't you? Would you mind if I steal her for a while?" he asked Jacob, not even waiting for an answer as he gripped my wrist and gently pulled me away.

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