Chapter One

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Present Day

Claire awoke to the loud honking of the city. She rose from her creaky bed and breathed in the musty morning air coming from the cracked window. Claire couldn't actually see out of the thing it was so dirty, so she peeked through the slit between the frame and the wall. The hustle and bustle of Camden, New Jersey was already well under way and Claire regretted letting herself sleep so long. She had probably missed tons of opportunities already and it was only eight in the morning. Slipping on her beige jacket and sliding into her boots Claire was ready to go. She slung her backpack over her shoulders and made sure the window was locked on her way to the hole in the floor. There she slid down the fireman's pole and crept along the wall.

Living in an abandoned fire station had certainly proved useful, and Claire found she might one day be able to call it home. Or as much of a home that a homeless person could have. No one ever bothered to check there, people never tried to stay there. She had stolen a bed and moved it upstairs in an old office. All of her belongings stayed in her backpack anyway, the only things she could afford to leave behind were the extra food cans. She scanned the street through a window, and deeming it was safe, ducked under the barely open garage door and emerged into the open. Claire walked briskly, making sure she blended in with the thousands of other people that lived there, making herself seem larger and more important than she was. Her hands were swift and undetectable, reaching in and grabbing wallets, money, anything from the strangers she passed. Claire held her nonchalant pace, her eyes and face retaining a look of boredom as she went on. This went on for quite a few streets before she began to make her way into the safer parts of town. She quietly disposed of the wallets, minus the money, and trekked deeper into the suburbs, the honking of cars and swarm of voices fading behind her.

Claire hated this place. Hated the quiet and the serenity. The birds chirping and the bright sun beating down and chasing the shadows away. She thrived in the shadows. That was where she did what she did best. Here there wasn't many places to hide, no covers or dark alleys. She liked the gloomy city, where the tall buildings and thick smoke blocked out the sun and cast everything in a dark haze. She turned down the street, the dead-end sign catching Claire's attention. This made her feel trapped, but she knew there was no one here. No crime families or cops roaming around; whichever was worse. As she walked she took notice of her surroundings, the crisp grass and paved sidewalks were so clean Claire probably could have eaten off them. The houses all looked the same. Two stories with white picket fences, nice cars of the stay at home moms all parked in the driveway. Claire figured she might stop and take a peek if she got the chance, maybe do a little get-a-way driving. She reached the end of the street, where the road went in a wide circle before continuing the same way Claire came in. She approached the house at the right of the top of the loop, her boots making barely any noise on the steps. The house was a bright blue, with a wraparound porch and flowers surrounding the bottom. There was no car in the driveway, Claire had anticipated on that. She knocked on the door, looking around to make sure there wasn't any danger. A bad habit that had saved Claire's life many times. The door swung open revealing a bright smiling face. Just the person Claire came to see.

"I thought you were going to be late!" The girl exclaimed gesturing for Claire to enter the house. She stepped in cautiously, glancing again once more to verify all her exits. The front door, which was behind her; the back door, which was at the end of a long hallway facing her or any the windows if Claire was desperate enough to break them. To the left was a staircase leading up, and the right opened into a large living room. The girl led her into the room on the right and sat down on the couch. Claire stayed standing taking in her surroundings. Another bad habit that Claire had picked up in the streets. A window was cut into the right wall, the curtains open and the light spilling in onto the cream fluffy floor. A black couch was placed with the back facing the window, a wood table resting in front. A red brick fireplace was on the opposite wall, a pristine HD-TV hanging above it. On the far wall a matching black chair completed the furniture in the room. Parallel to the fireplace an opening in the wall led to the dining room and a glistening wooden table.

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