Chapter Eighteen

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The inside of the structure was as grand as the outside. Alwin sure did own a lot of money. Music flooded Claire's ears and multi-colored lights flashed all around. A towering balcony faced the entrance, two bent staircases trailing down to the floor. Gold pillars lined the side, cutting the room into thirds.

On one side was a section of tables for people to stand and place their drinks. It was lit up a little more, the tables wrapped is moving lights that made the entire area looked bathed in starlight. The largest section, the middle, was situated as a dance floor. People moved and danced to some beat that was unfamiliar to Claire. The one farthest to the left was where the food and refreshments were distributed. Long tables that held warm meats, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and mounds upon mounds of desserts. The people themselves were eccentric. Bold colors and outlandish costumes strutted back and forth. Masks with feathers and faces, and dangling jewelry. Dresses with long trains and big bows. Suits with sparkly ties. Claire felt oddly plain standing in the midst of it all.

Her gaze, however, caught on one piece of the large ballroom. A sort of, entertainment, for those crowded around; covered by an entire wall of glass. And inside was one of the Ameliorates Claire had yet to see.

Mermaids. An enormous number floating and swimming in their tank. They were decorative, with pearls and jewels wrapped around their long scaly tales, and over the their shell bras, which seemed slightly like a cliché to Claire; but at least they weren't topless. They swam around lazily, moving their arms and dancing in a seemly hypnotic motion. Their hair was long, flowing down to their butt, or fin, or whatever it was called; floating around with the water. Overall, it created a serene sight, and it disgusted Claire to no end.

"Are all mermaids like that?" She asked Alex as he guided them to the food and refreshment table on the other side of the ballroom.

"No." He answered, his eyes avoiding hers. "Quite the opposite actually. Mermaids are known to be ferocious and dangerous, the second deadliest Ameliorate in Asonia. These are drugged, taken against their will and forced to perform for the high ups of society."

Claire's eyes traveled back to the half-humans swimming lazily through the water. "That's revolting." She murmured, and Alex reached out to get her a drink from the table.

"It's a lot like human trafficking, in America, except mermaids are the only demand and very highly around here."

"There's absolutely nothing classy about that." Claire huffed, taking the drink from his hand and sipping it. The bubbles rushed down her throat, causing her to cough loudly.

"Be careful, a wizard made it, powerful stuff." A different voice said. Claire turned, her hand still covering her mouth to see who it was. A Lightling was standing beside her, his entire body awash in a soft white glow. He had a mask that resembled yin and yang, his eyes the circles on each side. Colored contacts, one white, the other black, completed the symbol. His suit was also split, half white, the other black. Claire's heart rate picked up a little, and she was painfully aware of her eye color staring at this man. Would he recognize her? Know who she was? Had he gone to the balls at the palace? "If I may, you have a fine woman there, may I take this opportunity to ask her for a dance?" The man addressed Alex. His eyes raked over her, and it make Claire squirm to be under his gaze.

"We'll take note about the drinks, thank you. And the invitation is nice, however, if you'll excuse us; I would like to take my date for a spin around the dance floor. Milady?" Alex turned, extending his hand to Claire. His voice was deadly, the same he had used to torture the man at Root Cliff. She placed her drink down and took his offer, letting him lead her to the center of the room. The music changed from upbeat to soothing and slow. Claire muttered a curse under her breath. Being close to Alex, it wasn't particularly what she wanted at this point. They stood, facing each other, before Alex sighed and wrapped his hand around Claire's waist; pulling her in. His warmth surrounded her as he grabbed her other hand with his and began to slowly twirl them around the room.

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