Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you're ready for this, Cisco?" Astrid asked as she placed her hand on the handle to the door of the office, that had belonged to both her father and the late Dr Wells. She and Cisco were standing at the door, with boxes ready to clean it out.

Cisco nodded. It had been three weeks since Harry's death and they had not yet stepped foot inside since the night of the Cadre.

Astrid went to turn the handle but Cisco stopped her quickly. "Maybe we should wait for Caitlin to get back from her trip. You know, we could do this as a group bonding thing or something..." he said.

"You're hesitating. You were the one that said that we should do this. Besides, Caitlin won't be back until this afternoon. Do we really want to bombard her with this drama after she just spent a week away for R&R. It will be hard enough as it is when she sees Barry again."

Cisco sighed, "Okay. You're right... and I really don't want to be here for that reunion. Open the door."

Astrid pushed the door open and the two stepped inside the office. A tear welled up in Cisco's eye, so he wiped it away quickly.

"Look, there's a letter here." Astrid said from over at Harry's desk. "It's addressed to all of us." She picked up the envelope and remembered her last conversation that she had had with Harry in that office, that night. There was a fleeting moment where she had known that he would risk his life to save them all. He had known that he would die that night, and that explained the letter.

Cisco put the empty box that he had been carrying onto the desk and took the envelope from her. He stared at the writing on the front. "Team... Funny, even his writing is blunt." Cisco commented.

Astrid picked up the tablet and then the laptop from the desk. She put them inside the box. They had been the only items that Harry had kept on his desk on a regular basis.

She checked the draws, there was an old fashioned voice recorder inside with a whole lot of cassette tapes. She showed Cisco.

"Wow, for someone who made a pretty futuristic weapon... he was sure in the early nineties when it came to music formats." She said.

Cisco picked up the voice recorder and asked, "Are you sure that they weren't your dads?" he pressed play on the voice recorder and they immediately heard Harry's voice.

"My job as a World Walker has taken me many places. I have seen the rise and fall of heroes, I have fought clones, meta-humans and aliens and I have acquired more knowledge about the multiverse, the mirror verse and even time, than any regular man ever should. But, Harrison promised me something different this time. He promised me answers to my own questions from my own earth... he told me that it will all come down to the Flash... I have my interview for STAR Labs today to work on the 97th floor with the group that should hold all the answers.

Had things have gone the same as they usually do on other earths... It would be mine already. Something tells me that I am on the right track..."

Cisco pressed stop on the voice recorder. "I don't think we should have listened to that. It was like hearing him from the grave."

"It was, wasn't it?" Astrid asked him.

Suddenly, they could hear Caitlin's voice from out in the cortex. "Couldn't you just leave me alone, Barry! I was coming back this afternoon! You didn't have to call me the moment I woke up!"

Cisco put the voice recorder on to the desk, though pocketed the letter, and he and Astrid raced to the doorway to see Caitlin and Barry in the middle of a fight.

"Well, I'm sorry, Caitlin! You and I went a whole two weeks without talking. You're not hearing me out!" Barry said raising his voice.

"There's nothing you can say, Barry. It doesn't take a scientist to know that you're in love with Iris. Remember? Astrid read your mind that night that we turned into vampires." Caitlin said.

Astrid tried to hide back into Harry's office, but they had seen her. "I just wish..." Barry snapped in her direction, but he stopped midsentence.

"What? That I wasn't a mind reader?" Astrid asked him. "Just leave me out of this fight, please."

"You guys..." Cisco said as he held the envelope in his hands. "We need to read this."

He and Astrid walked into the middle of the cortex to show their friends the letter.

"What is it, Cisco?" Caitlin asked him as he sat in his chair by the computer.

"It's from Harry, he left it on his desk the night that he..."

Barry nodded, understanding where he was going with his sentence. "Do you want to open it?"

Cisco hesitated, but he knew that he didn't have a choice. He opened the envelope and pulled out three sheets of paper, the first two pages had nothing written on them, but the third page did.

Dear Team,

If my calculations are correct, the lot of you will be reading this letter a few weeks after my death. Knowing the four of you, you will be reading this letter together... like the family that you all seem to be... I'm also calculating that two of you have been fighting... it wouldn't make sense, otherwise. But if so, sort it out quickly... you have work to do!

But if you are all reading this letter it means that our original plan has failed and I have accepted DR Fate's proposal. Yes, he did come and see me when none of you were looking... Yes, Astrid I lied again, but I promise you that it was worth it.

There was only a twenty-seven percent chance that our plan would work against the overmaster. I tried to hold out in hope that it would, only to realize that there was nothing further that I could do.

The moment I died, was a sign for Dr Fate to come in and lend assistance. You see a lot of what the four of you are going through is a test set before the gods for Astrid to overcome.

However, Nelson is conflicted in seeing his daughter go through so much chaos, which leaves Dr Fate in a bind. He cannot risk Kent's mental health... or something like... but, that's not important right now.

Getting back to the matter at hand, I have left some tapes in my draw along with a voice recorder. Follow them and you will find me... or not, that all depends on Constantine and if he listened to my instructions or not. Chances are I don't have my technology so I could be on another earth, though my... I wouldn't call it a soul? That seems too religious... no, my essence? No, still not right... whatever, you want to call it... I'm in another body. Probably on another earth... I just hope that Constantine didn't screw me over and that I like the body that I am in.

Sutherland... You're a great mind reader, but I'm surprised that you didn't see this coming.

Allen... I wish you godspeed.

Snow... You're a brilliant doctor, don't ever doubt that.

And Ramon, you're clever enough... you can use my technology... just come and find me the four of you...

I really hope this plan works. If not, it'll all be for nothing. Now, do you understand why I brought up movies on my deathbed, Ramon?

Your friend...wherever the hell I am.

*Doc* Harry Wells.

"Oh look... are they tear spots?" Caitlin asked referring to a dampness on the paper.

"It looks like he was crying as he wrote this," Astrid said.

"Cisco..." Barry said, "Do you know what this means?"

Cisco wiped away a few fresh tears that had formed in his eyes, with a large smirk on his face. "That jerk totally got into Back to the Future! I know exactly what this means...It means he's alive! The doc's alive!" His arms shot up as he threw the pages into the air as he spoke.

Dr Wells was alive and the four of them were going to find him.

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