Chapter 8

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Barry, Astrid, and Caitlin were ecstatic to see Harry standing before them.

"So the brain aneurism was a trick?" Harry asked them with his eyes raised.

"It was all Cisco's idea." Caitlin said, "he went to go and find you."

"Cisco went to find me? Well, where is he?" Harry asked.

"We're not sure." Barry said. "Our powers don't work from in here."

Harry pulled out the small device that he had brought with him. An earpiece that would allow the wearer to use their powers from within the dampened room.

"Here, Astrid... put this in. It will allow the wearer to use their abilities from in here." He said.

Astrid took it and connected it to her ear. She opened a link to Cisco's mind. 'Cisco, where are you?' she asked him, telepathically.

'I'm in the control room. I found Harry.' Cisco's voice came back within her mind. 'Wait, how are you using your powers? Are you free?'

'You found Harry? That doesn't make sense... Harry's in here with us.' She replied.

'Great Scott! There's two of them? That can't be good. Just be careful, and don't tell him where I am.'

Astrid closed the link, and Cisco stared at the Harry that was with him in the control room.

"So... this control panel... how's it meant to destroy the ship?" Cisco asked Harry.

"Ramon, this isn't the time to explain... Just focus on the damn door!"

Cisco subtly picked up the bubble gun and aimed it at Harry. "How do I know it's really you!" he snapped.

"Ramon... don't be stupid! Wait, you just managed to speak to Sutherland, didn't you? That link and your sudden confusion means that my doppelganger is in there with them. He is not a good man! He comes off as nice and polite... He's been running gruesome tests on many of the meta-humans around here." Harry said quickly.

"Whoa, let me get this straight... the nice Wells is evil... and the jerk Wells is the good one?" Cisco asked.

"Wouldn't be the mirror verse, otherwise. Now take that weapon and guard the door. Tell the others not to trust that Harry. He's a sadist."

Astrid had finished the mind link and stared up at Harry, she tried to read his mind but couldn't get a reading. "I couldn't get a reading on Cisco," she said sounding as concerned as she could. "I think they caught him."

"I can find out," Harry replied he held out his hand for Astrid to return the earpiece back to him.
"Harry, can you help us get out of here?" Barry asked him.

"Sorry, Barry... I can't that will only risk all our safety." Harry replied. He walked over to the door and opened it. As the door opened, it disrupted the power dampening wires. Astrid used that moment to cause a mind-scream into Harry's head, which distracted him enough for Barry to get them all out of the room.

"What did you do that for?" Caitlin asked when they were all standing in what looked like a laboratory storage cupboard.

"That wasn't Harry. He and Cisco are in the control room." She replied.

"I thought so," Barry replied. "Our Dr Wells is left handed... well, he's ambidextrous, but he's always handed things over or thrown things with his left hand. When that guy handed Astrid, this..." Barry showed them the device that he had stolen from their friend's doppelganger, and continued, "...he used his right hand."

"Wow, Barry. I'm so proud of you!" Astrid said. "You've learned how to read your opponent... I also would have gone with the fact that he didn't address any of us by our last names... Cisco also had a vision of this Harry, remember?"

"...Besides, any Harry who is that nice... especially to Cisco's double... has to be evil." Caitlin added.

"Let's just go!" Cisco's mirror double said. "We need a plan B. I vote we breach out of here now!"

"Yeah... we go to the control room!" Astrid demanded. "That's where Cisco and Harry are."

"No that's suicide... That's why you don't put a woman in charge!" Cisco's mirror double said, angering her in an instant. Astrid punched him right between the eyes and then remembered that it would have had an effect on her Cisco.

'Sorry Cisco!' she sent a message directly to her Cisco's mind, knowing that he would have felt the effect of the punch and not known why.

Cisco's mirror double was not badly injured, but he was angry. "What the hell was that for?" he demanded.

"Because you pissed her off. She's as Cisco would say, our leaderette... also a feminist." Barry replied.

"You can breach out of here, but you're forgetting if our Cisco gets hurt, you do too." Astrid said.

"I do remember that, remember... I was the one who taught you that. Get them to breach here now, and we will get out of here together. The control panel will be crawling with people."

Suddenly, the sirens began to blare. "They're looking for us!" Caitlin cried.

"No... All the doors to the rooms have started opening!" Barry said, "they're freeing all the prisoners from the control room."

"Is that man stupid? Or just wasting his brilliance?" Cisco's mirror double said, "We're going to get caught!"

Astrid reopened the link with Cisco from in the control panel. 'How are you guys going?'

'Why did you punch me? Not me, I mean, the other me... It really hurt! Anyway, we just freed all the prisoners. Oh crap! They're about to bang down the door. Harry just pulled up the surveillance. There's too much for us to take on, even with the bubble gun!'

'The bubblegum? What are you talking about? Never mind, breach out of there now!' Astrid thought back.

'We can't Harry won't! He wants to end this mission with a bang, and I won't leave him here to die!'

'How much time does he need?' she asked.

'Ten minutes? Get out of here, now, Astrid!'

'You're stupid if you think I'm going to just leave you!' Astrid snapped. And then she addressed Barry. "They're going after Harry and Cisco in the control panel. We have to take them down before they get to them."

Barry grabbed them all and took them to the corridor that led towards the control panel, where there was a large battle against the prisoners and the Overmaster's army. But for some reason, the Overmaster was nowhere to be seen.

"Alright... let's do this!" Astrid said as the four of them joined in the fighting.

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