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As the group stood around in the cortex, Caitlin brought up her concern. "Do we really need to allow for Frost to come out? I mean, we are searching for Harry. How do we know that she will be willing to help us?"

"We could always use the thermo-gun to freeze down the mirror before I breach us through?" Cisco suggested.

"But then we are risking shattering the glass. Frost will be our best chance." Barry replied.

"He's right, Snow." Astrid added, "If Frost gets out of control, We'll all be ready for her."

Caitlin nodded, and brought her hands to the back of her neck and unclasped her necklace. She handed it to Astrid and Frost immediately took Caitlin's body.

"It's about time the lot of you released me from that prison. What's the mission and where is that murderer?" Frost asked them

"I'd hate to disappoint you, Elsa... but Harry is the mission." Cisco said.

"I'm not following..."

Barry took the reigns of the conversation, "Harry risked his life to save us all, and there's a chance his soul might have been placed into another body in the mirror verse. We're getting him back."

"Harry died? He risked his own life? Well, that's a surprise... Why didn't you say so? What do we need to do?"

"Wait, you're just going to help us?" Astrid asked her.

"The man risked his own life for Caity's wellbeing... enough said. So where's the mirror?"

The four of them made their way to the bathroom mirror and Frost immediately froze the full-length mirror, and Cisco breached them through.

They arrived in the bathroom of the mirror verse and left the bathroom, making their way towards the cortex. They were met by destruction and rubble that had become of the once workplace of the mirror versions of themselves.

"Here to steal anything else?" the mirror version of Cisco asked as he and the mirror version of Astrid approached them.

"What do you mean?" Barry lied. "We haven't stolen anything."

"You stole the speed of numerous speedsters. You betrayed our trust."

"We're not here to steal anything." Frost said, "now get out of our way, and let us pass."

The mirror version of Cisco nodded to his Astrid, they allowed them to pass.

"Wait... it's that easy?" Astrid asked them, confused as to why. "Why? You're not going to attack us as we turn our backs, are you?"

Her double approached her and sent her images of the outside mirror verse world to her mind. She understood immediately.

"The Cadre." Astrid said turning to her friends. "You guys... Central City has been destroyed. If we have any hope of finding Harry... It's not going to be easy."

"When is anything ever easy?" Barry asked her. But she had kept her focus on their mirror doubles. "How have the two of you managed to survive, here all by yourselves?" she asked them.

"It's called laying low..." Cisco's double said, "STAR Labs has everything we need to survive, provided we don't leave its walls and get caught... But, I'm guessing, with the lot of you here... those plans are about to change..."

"Are Barry and Caitlin still down in the pipelines?" Barry asked.

"Yeah... they are. It was either that or have them get caught. I'd rather not have to kill them. Astrid's been trying to rehabilitate them, but so far... no luck."

"Let's just find Harry and go. I'd rather not deal with the Cadre again, especially while we don't have Astrid's father here to help us." Cisco said.

"Father?" Astrid's mirror-version asked him.

"Astrid... can you scan the city?" Barry asked their leaderette, "...See if you can get a reading on Harry's thoughts?"

Astrid closed her eyes and focused. When she opened them again, she only had disappointing news to share. "I can't hear his voice. I don't think he's here."

"Oh, he's here... and he's one scary hombre..." Cisco said. He had just received a vibe.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked him.

"He's working with the Cadre." Cisco said, preparing to leave, "Okay... let's go home..."

"What? No!" Barry said, "there is no way that he would willingly agree to work with them. He must have something planned. We are going to find him and bring him home... and if there is any way to help these guys... we will."

"Maybe they should just come back with us? All of them?" Caitlin offered, she had managed to take her body back from Frost.

"Thank you, but no." Mirror Cisco said, "If the four of you are hell bent on going out there and getting your friend back. Well, then we will help you..."

"Yeah, yeah... we know," Cisco continued. "Because you're in favor of self-preservation... we've heard the speech."

"And because quite frankly... I want nothing more than to see those bastards' burn."

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