Chapter 5

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"Do you think it worked, Astrid?" Barry asked after a few moments.

"I'm not sure. I know that I got through, but..." She stopped talking as they watched the spaceship begin to open.

Cisco began humming the 'Eve of the War' from the War of the World's album in fear.

"Cisco... Shh..." Caitlin whispered.

"Should we demonstrate our skills or something?" Barry asked.

"No, don't. We don't want him to think we're attacking." Astrid whispered. "Cisco, be ready to breach if this goes wrong."

"Got it!" Both Cisco's said at once.

The spaceship was now open and from the distance, they could see the Overmaster and some of his followers disembark the spacecraft.

"Do we step forward... or?" Barry asked.

But his question was answered by the Overmaster and his followers, who were suddenly standing in front of them, staring at them all.

The Overmaster was just as tall as he had been in their own world, his followers were meta-humans just like themselves. However, they were surprised to see that the Cadre was not there with him.

Fear had overcome the group. The wrong move could cost them their own lives.

Cisco nudged at Astrid to speak up, though Barry did instead. "You want people with exceptional skills. Let us join you!" he told the Overmaster.

"What skills would you mere mortals have to offer me?" the Overmaster asked him, his voice booming all around them.

"Various skills," Astrid added in, with false confidence. "Telepathy and mind control, speed, the power to create ice just by touch and the abilities to travel to alternate dimensions... alternate earths just by breach. You could be anywhere you want to be in just a mere second."

The Overmaster stared at the two Cisco's. "These two men, they are the same... yet the entire opposite. I feel that within them."

"That's because they are mirror doubles," Barry said, taking the limelight from his friends.

Cisco nodded, but his mirror double stood prepared to make an attack if needed.

"Very well... you can join me. But if even one of you betray us, we will exterminate all of you."

The group agreed to his request, and the Overmaster's followers led them back to the ship, prepared to attack them if necessary.

There was a bright, almost blinding light that surrounded the spaceship, which frightened the group. Caitlin took hold of Barry's hand for comfort, which he held onto tightly to assure her that everything would be alright.

They stepped up the ramp and slowly entered into the spaceship, surprised to be surrounded by nothing but dim lighting and black stone interior. Every now and then they would bypass a control panel, which must have controlled the doors, but they weren't entirely sure.

The ship seemed so much larger inside than it had on the outside, practically the size of a small town.

Cisco took everything in, filled with a mixture of fear and excitement to have fulfilled his dreams and enter a spaceship. He was tempted to ask about the control panels, but fear dictated otherwise.

The group were led along corridors and then what must have been the habitation section. Which housed groups of the Overmaster's prisoners with shared sleeping, eating, and toileting arrangements.

Astrid used her mind scan, searching for any sign of Harry's thoughts. Finally, she found him. 'Harry, it's Astrid. We're here to save you!' she told him. She felt that she had surprised him. He had not expected to hear from her at all.

Astrid's mind link was disrupted, as they were made to stop at the door of a cell. The man who had led them pushed a button on the side of the door and it slid open. It was a low class shared room complete with beds, toilets and shower facilities. It felt more like a prison.

The group was pushed inside and the door closed behind them. There was no button on their side of the door. They were trapped.

"Hey!" Cisco snapped as he began to bang on the door.

"It won't open." his mirror double told him, "they have imprisoned us here."

Cisco attempted to send a blast at the door, but none came. He tried to breach through it, but it didn't work. He tried to push his entire body into the door, but the door barely budged. Cisco swore under his breath in anger.

Astrid took both of his hands in her own. "They've dampened our powers, Cis. But Harry, knows we're here... I sent him a message before we were locked inside. Don't worry, we'll get out of here. We always do."

"Until now..." Barry said looking around at their bedroom facilities. "Whoever designed these facilities, forgot to build a wall around the bathroom."

The group looked over at what he was talking about, there was one metal toilet in the cell, next to a basin. There was no privacy whatsoever.

"Well, we did surrender to them..." Astrid replied. "I guess we can't expect grapes and satin sheets."

"But it would be nice." Caitlin sighed.

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