Chapter 9

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"How many minutes, now?" Cisco asked Harry.

"It's only been one minute since you last asked me, Ramon!" Harry snapped. "Breach the hell out of here now!"

"And let you die again? that ain't happening, Harry!"

Cisco had pushed the furniture up against the door and he was still standing with the bubble gun, ensuring that their three hostages didn't go free. "What makes these guys so bad, anyway?" Cisco asked, referring to the men in the bubble.

Harry motioned towards the tablet that was sitting beside him and got back to typing, "They're aliens. That tablet right there is all the research that I have gathered while I've been in this new body. Fortunately, it was the body of one of my deceased doppelgangers and not someone else. All the information on the Overmaster is in there along with all of his followers. Now, I've unlocked the mainframe. I need you on the other panel, do everything that I tell you to. If you don't we could die!"

"Alright, doc!" Cisco said as he ran over to the panel on the left and begun following Harry's instructions precisely.

"Prepare for liftoff, Ramon!" Harry announced.

"What? Lift off? What are you talking about?"

"I need to get this ship into the air, the explosion will be enough to take out the entire Mirror Verse if we're not careful!"

"Woah, this is heavy!" Cisco replied, he really meant it.

"Ramon... one more back to the future reference and I swear you won't see your own future!"

Cisco grinned, "You got it, doc!" he continued typing.

Out in the corridor, the group joined their fellow prisoned meta-humans in the fight. The men that they were fighting, were not people as they had previously thoughts. They had retaken their forms and resembled the aliens that the group had fought back in Smallville.

Barry ran through the fighting locking the aliens into prisoned cells. Killer Frost was in control of Caitlin's body, sending ice blasts throughout the fight, Astrid performed her mind scream as she fought in hand to hand combat with her foes.

The mirror version of Cisco was also just as strong as their own Cisco. He would shoot a blast and breach out of the way so he would not get caught.

"We're leaving the earth's atmosphere, you guys! This ship's moving, fast!" Barry cried out as he finished locking the last of the enemies into the prison cells. "...Trust Cisco to have to give the spaceship a test spin before we get to safety." 

The rest of the prisoned meta-humans were trying to determine a way off the ship.

"We have to get out of here before I can no longer breach us back to earth!" Mirror Cisco demanded.

"We're not leaving without them!" Astrid snapped.

"Well then find out what's taking them so long!" he yelled back at her.

"Astrid, we need to hurry," Barry said quickly.

"I know,"Astrid replied, but before she could run her mind link, a breach formed in front of them. Harry and Cisco stepped out.

"What took you so long?" Caitlin yelled.

"No time to explain... Breach us now, Ramon!" Harry yelled.

"Why? What did you do?" Astrid demanded of them.

"Let me just say, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit!" Cisco said as he opened another breach that headed to the streets of Central City.

Barry ran the prisoned meta-humans through the breach until they were the last ones standing in the corridor. Cisco closed the breach and then reopened another one headed for STAR Labs, then Barry, Harry, Killer Frost and Cisco's mirror double ran through.

"Cisco, what did you do?" Astrid asked him sternly.

"This ship's about to explode... like any minute now." he said quickly as they ran through the breach and made it back to STAR Labs.

The breach closed behind them and they heard a large and almighty bang, followed by debris falling to earth.

"How strong is this tower?" Astrid asked her mirror double who had been waiting for them in the cortex.

"I guess, We're about to find out!" she replied.

They heard the sounds of metal falling into the roof of the building and glass smashing, but fortuntately, there wasn't a lot of damage done.

"We seriously just blew up the deathstar!" Cisco said, with excitement.

"But where was the Overmaster?" Harry asked out loud. "He must have escaped... I just don't understand how. It doesn't make any sense!"

He was holding a tablet that he was ready to throw, but Cisco took it from him. "Maybe the answers are in here... why don't you give it to me? So you don't lose your only chance to find out..."

"We saved Central City's meta-humans." Cisco's mirror double said, "I just wish we could have saved the rest of the city."

"Well, once again... it's been good, we saved our friend... I'm ready and eager to get the hell back to our own universe." Astrid said in a hurry.

"Astrid, these guys helped us." Barry said, "Their city was destroyed, I don't feel right just leaving it at that."

"Okay, what are you proposing?" she asked him.

Barry shook the hand of Cisco's double, and said, "Once again... it's been good... are you sure you guys don't want to come back to our earth?"

"We're fine." Astrid's double said. But the mirror version of Cisco smiled over at Astrid, making her feel very uncomfortable. "You know what? Maybe we will take you up on your offer sometime. I think it would be fun to drop in some time..."

"Seriously? You gave the jerk an invite to our world?" Astrid asked Barry as they accompanied Cisco, Harry, and Caitlin to the mirrors in the bathroom.

"I was being polite," Barry replied.

"That guy gives me a weird vibe!" Astrid said.

"And not because his name is Vibe, too?" Cisco asked her.

"No... I just can't stand him. I never thought there would be a version of you, that I'd hate... but there he is."

"Let's just be glad that we got Harry back." Killer Frost said.

"You've forgiven me?" Harry asked her. "I don't understand."

"Oh, no... I haven't forgiven you... you and I aren't even... but I won't kill you. You died once for Caity... so that's a start!" she replied as she froze down the mirror.

The group breached through the mirror and headed back to their own mirrorverse.

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