Chapter 7

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The man who had gone to their cell walked through the corridors of the aircraft, making his way towards the laboratory. When he arrived he bypassed Dr Harry Wells, who adjusted his glasses and addressed him. "What did our newest recruits want? I saw your identification come up when you entered their room."

"Just something about their telepath suffering from a brain aneurism due to the power dampening wires that surround their cell." The man replied.

"A brain aneurism?" Dr Wells asked.

"That's what their doctor said. Well, she claimed to be a doctor. They wanted medical equipment so I'm on my way to get them some, now."

"Why don't you leave that to me? I've dealt with telepaths in the past. If they're lying, I'll get to the bottom of it." Harry asked.

"Go for it... I have more important things to deal with. I'm headed up to the control panels." The man left. Harry grabbed a box of supplies and pocketed a small device of his own invention.

He made his way down the corridor with the box of medical supplies until he reached the door to the room that had Barry, Astrid, Caitlin and Cisco's mirror double inside.

Cisco breached his way to the metal rafters in the ceiling. He had a full view of the floors below him, and provided he was careful, he wouldn't fall. So far no one had noticed him from his position, but he knew that it wouldn't be long until someone did. He needed to be quick.

He crept over the arch to the next room and followed the corridor up the stairs. Suddenly, his foot slipped and he lost his balance. He was hanging by the rafter by his hands and his feet were dangling in midair. "Oh Crap!" he gasped. He removed one of his hands from the railing, praying that he wouldn't fall, and opened a breach in the air beside him. He swung into it and the breach took him back on top of the railing. He was safe again.

In the distance, at the top of the stairs he could see a door at the end. Remembering every video game and every movie that he had ever seen he knew that the control panel would be through there. He breached himself to the rafters of that room and was relieved to find that he was correct. He was in the control room.

There were four men in there and he recognized one of them in an instant. Dr Harry Wells. Harry hadn't yet noticed him, nor had any of the other men. Harry was busy at the control panel, focusing on something that Cisco couldn't quite see.

The other men gathered on the other side of the control panel, it was clear that Harry had authority in this room. Cisco sat down on the rafter and tried to think of a plan to get the other men out of there.

He had an idea, a theory he wanted to test out with the use of his powers. He opened a breach beside him. The other breach would open outside the corridor, facing the door. With his other hand, Cisco sent a blast into the breach. The blast went through the breach and hit the other side of the door, making a large noise out in the corridor.

As the men went to go and investigate, Cisco quickly closed the beach again.

"There's nothing in the hallway!" one of the men declared. Harry looked around and saw Cisco sitting on the rafters in the roof.

"Go and investigate!" Harry told his men. "All three of you. The Overmaster will not be happy if someone has escaped." The men left, closing the door behind them, leaving Harry alone in the room with Cisco still up in the rafters.

"Ramon... is it you, or your damn mirror verse version!" he asked him.

Cisco breached himself down to the floor beside Harry. "That depends, doc..." Cisco said smiling at his old mentor. From out in the hall they could hear the other men returning.

A look of concern flushed over Harry's face. "They're going to catch you, Ramon! You're about to get us killed! why don't you make like a tree and breach out of here?"

"It's leave, you idiot... make like a tree and leave!" Cisco snapped back.

The doors opened so Cisco breached back into the rafters. When he landed, he almost slipped. He gasped in fear, unfortunately, the men heard him.

"Doctor... I think there's someone in the rafters." One of the men said as he began to look around. Cisco tried to hide himself away. The three men were all looking for him.

Harry picked up an advanced weapon from off the control panel and shot them. The weapon had an inbuilt silencer and shot some sort of gas at the men. The particles of the gas surrounded the men and formed an impenetrable bubble trapping them all inside. They were still alive, but they could not escape.

"Ramon! It's safe to come down, now." Harry told him. Cisco joined him again on the floor and stared astonished at the bubble that had the men trapped. "That's one awesome bubble gun, doc. Let's get out of here!" he said.

"Not yet, while I have you here... Make yourself useful. Stick something up against the doors so no one can get in. I've been working on this for ages. We're going to destroy the ship!"

"With us inside?"

"No, you idiot! You're going to breach us out of here before that happens!"

"What about the others?" Cisco asked.

"Let's just focus on this first!"

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