Your life is living HELL but you always have smile on your face.. NO MATTER WHAT!
(Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L)= Your lastname
(Y/H)= Your homeland
(Y/MN)= Your morher name
(Y/FN)= Your father name
(Y/BN)= Your brother name
Previously: And with that I closed my eyes and let darkness take me. □●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●□ (Y/N) POV: 'Ah... My head hurts like I was in some sort of mixer... Wait is this a fresh air? NO WAY.' You snapped open your eyes to see... Heaven on earth literally..
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3rd person POV: "Who are you and what are you doing here?!"
(Y/N) POV: I heard person ask me who am I and what am I doing here with pretty scary tone if you ask me.
"Huh?" I turn around and see man with raven black hair tied in to pony tail, onyx black eyes and weird outfit (classic Jounin outfit).
"Who? You mean me" I said pointing at myself..
He rolled his eyes and said "Yeah you.. Who else is standing here? An alien?" "Oh.. Yeah sorry. My name is (Y/N) (Y/L)... Sir if you don't mind me... But what is your name? "Huh? Oh yeah sorry about that my name's Akia.... Akia Uchiha" 'Huh... WAIT UCHIHA WHAT THE HELL' ''Eehh Mr. Akia if you don't mind me... WHERE THE HELL AM I?"
Akia's POV: She screamed, I cringed at how loud it was. But decided to be polite and tell her.. 'Besides if she is an enemy she would try to kill me by now because I had put down my guard. Idiot' I mentally face palmed myself how can I put my guard down so easily. "Oh you are near the Konoha" I answered. Her eyes went wide. (Y/N) POV:
"Oh you are near the village hidden in the leaves also known as Konoha" he said.. And my eyes winded... "I'm WHERE?!"
□●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●□ Aaaand that's it for next few days. This chapter is longer so yeah.... I will start write longer chapters...