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Before I start I'm so sorry for not updating.. I had some problems... Okay let's start with chapter!
(Y/N) POV:
"No.. Mom... Don't please! No! No!!!!! "
What's that little brat? Already begging? Heh.. We will stop just say one word"
"N..No no way!!!"
"Aaaah" I woke up shaking, sweaty and with tears in my eyes..
TIME SKIP(till claim yourself down)
"Huh 5AM... I don't remember when I my sleep was this long... Oh well Hokage wanted to see me today so.." I rolled myself from comfy, warm bed... To really cold and hard floor. So yeah that woke me up.. "Why the hell did they have to make this hard floors!" I get up from the floor and begin to prepare my self for today (morning routine) (I stayed in bath for longer time to relax). "6:30 AM... Ok time to go!"
TIME SKIP (Hokage tower)
Knock Knock
"Come in!"
"Good morning Jiji!"
He chuckled "Good morning (Y/N) how are you feeling?"
"Awesome! Uh huh I-I mean I'm okay..." Yea (Y/N) get awkward situation why wouldn't you! "Ok Jiji you said me to come today... What's up?''

Hokage-sama POV:

''I wan't you to meet someone..'' She looked totally confused ''Inoichi come in!'' I must have proof that everything she said is true because of Danzo. ''Okay (Y/N) this is Inoichi.. He can read minds... I believe you but to elders of village to believe you we must get Inoichi to do this Of course we need to get your permission to do that.'' ''Ok but will I must see that stuffs again?'' She asked Inoichi with tone that can break heart.. ''Yeah... You will.. I'm sorry'' he responded and her face
looked terrified...

Inoichi POV:

''Ok but will I must see that stuffs again?'' She asked me but tone of that question... Defiantly isn't something pretty maybe death of some one from her family?
''Yeah... You will.. I'm sorry'' her face looked completely terrified. "Ok so
(Y/N) if it's ok wit you follow me." She obeyed and begin to follow me to interrogation room...
"Ok we are here.. So I wan't from you to sit on that chair and close your eyes..." she did as told and I begin with Jutsu.. (Ram. Dragon. Dog. Ox. Dragon. Tiger)
"Mind reading Jutsu" and just like that i was in very warm and bright place with some sort of bubbles with images probably her memories...
'so this is her mind?'

First memory:
You are four years old and you mother is teaching you alphabet (A/N Yup this is true i knew read and write at age four).. "So (Y/N) D is for dragon" "Huh dragon? I Love dragons!" A four year old you screamed. Your mother just smiled at her daughters energetic personality.
End of first memory...
'Heh she is very talented and smart but at the same time energetic and funny...'
He walked some time till next bubble pop up...

Second memory:
You are eleven years old and you see some old women with heavy bags..
You smile brightly at her "Good morning. How are you? Do you need help with those bags?"
"Oh good morning. I'm good. If it's not problem" "No way!" an energetic you yelled and take bags from old woman. You take her bags all the way to her doorstep. "Thank you...." "(Y/N)... (Y/N) (Y/L)" "Thank you very much (Y/N)." "It's nothing really.. bye!" You said before she had time to give you some sort of "present" (aka money, chocolate etc..) you really didn't liked that.
End of second memory.
'Huh so she is intelligent, talented, energetic  and funny but at the same time also nice and caring... Really rare combination'

He walked quite some time and ended in very dark, cold and creepy place...
'What the hell? What is this? Probably her bad memories.. Yes that is only option'

Third memory:
You seem like you are fourteen
'Wait how is she teenager? Oh well I will know that when time comes")'
You are in your home with your mom two sisters and daughter of one of sister...
TIME SKIP (Cuz I'm lazy.. Short version just half of your life torture before you ended here)
You are sweaty, tears running down your face and you are shaking.
"AAAAH!" I moved away from her breathing heavily... I see her shaking, crying and sweating... I don't blame her... "WHAT THE HELL! HOW IS SHE EVEN NORMAL?! HOW SHE DIDN'T GO CRAZY AFTER THAT?!" I screamed on top of my lungs... I claimed down myself and put my head on her head "Kai!"..
She woke up in same condition...
"Hey.. Hey (Y/N) claim down it's done!" She looked at me and just continued shaking, crying and sweating... Lord Hokage came to me and motioned to me to come out I left five ANBU's with her.. I came (not that way you pervs xD) out "What did you see to make you stop jutsu?" "I have seen HELL Hokage-sama... and I didn't even see all of it! I don't know how that kid is still on her mind..." He just nodded.. I believe he didn't wanted to hear that now... "Okay.. I will go now.. When she claims down bring her to me!"
"Hai! Hokage-sama"
I walked back and see all five ANBU's hugging her and claiming her down saying that it's all okay and all gonna be fine... 'I was right this kid is different.. Who in the WORLD would say that one six year old can do this of ANBU member's who are famous cold blooded killer's.'
She calmed down and said thank you.. all of them said at same time "Your welcome..." and let out light chuckle.. she again smiled brightly at them and hugged each one of them which surprisingly everyone returned. When she sees me I was expecting her to hate me because I put her trough that torture.. She instead smiled brightly at me I was really shocked..
"Oh.. Yeah (Y/N) Hokage-sama asked to see you." "Okay! Let's go then!" She jelled with smile... 'okay this is just crazy... She cried  and then few minutes later she is smiling... and it's NOT fake!'
TIME SKIP (Walking to the tower)
"Hey (Y/N) can I ask you something?"

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