Death of friend!

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Your POV:
Hokage-sama called us for very impprtant mission 'I wonder what it cloud be...'
We came in and bowed ok they bowed I just smiled... "Yo jiji. What's up?" My face shined with smile Jiji smiled at me but when he looked at others his face changed in serious. "I have mission for you guys. Your mission is to brage down Kanabi bridge." I froze my heart started bumping in my chest I cloud feel my blood freeze. "《~》you okay?" Minato asked me I looked at him smiled and nodded "Yes sensei I'm ok." He noded. "Okay Team 7 go prepare for mission see you in 2 am sharp! Dismissed! " We all nodded and scattered.
"We must go after her!" Obito screamed and begins running towards trail of enemy. Kakashi took a hold of Obito's arm and said "We must continue our mission then we will go after her!" I cloud see Obito starts shaking from anger I was the same. "What are you crazy they will kill her!" "Mission is more important. That is the rule!" My heart started bumping so hard that I cloud hear it in my ears. Obito turned his back to Kakashi and said "I beleve that White fang was true hero! Beacuse... in this world those who broke rules are scum, but those who left even one of ther comrades are worst than scum. I'm scum any way." Kakashi's eyes were wide " 《~》 are you with me or him?" Obito asked "I'm with ya Obito! Let's go find her!" I smiled at Obito and then turn to Kakashi "and you. Don't do anything stupid. Beacuse if you die I will kill you one more time. Am I clear!" "Crystal!" " smiled and took of after Obito.
Obito and me were standing in front of cave where is Rin. Not much after I feel someone behind me. I got out of the way just in time before sword of stone ninja turned me in to a shusi. I back flipped behind him and kicked him in spine it turned in a puff of smoke. I began searching for him when I see Obito with kunai in gut of stone ninja and... Kakashi behind him. (his eye was already damaged)
I jumped towards them and see that Kakashis eye was damaged my hands began shaking I cloud feel my eyes fill with tears I cloudn't help him... I cloudn't help him! "Hey 《~》what's wrong?" Obito asked me I opened my eyes and look at Obito I see his eye's winding "W.. What the hell?" Obito muttered I gave him confused look " 《~》 you have a... Sharingan!" My own eyes winden Kakashi snapped his head towards me. That is when I see his eye I practically teleported towards him and began cheking his eye "You idiot I told you to don't do anything stupid and here you are." I said to him while bandaging his eye.. "Ok done! Shall we?" I said both of them nodded..
One of boulders hit Kakashi in the eye so he loosed his balance Obito throwed him out of the way of large boulder 'No I can't let it happen. not again!' I sprinted towards Obito and throwed him out of the way... Large boulder crashed down at me I felt it broke every bone on my right side.. "Rin.. Kakashi... Obito... You ok?" I coughed blood and panted.. First to see me was Obito " 《~》!!" His eyes were full of tears after obito Rin and Kakashi came Rin's hands go stright to her mouth as her legs cloudn't hold her anymore she crashed down crying. Kakashi his face was for a second emotionless probably processing what happened.. Then after few seconds he began sprinting towards me his eye's full of tears as he stopped in front of a boulder and began pushing it probably trying to get it off of me. "Stop it Kakashi.. It's usseles I can't feel my right side anymore." He began shaking, and fell to his knees "This is all my fault! " He cried out I took hold of his hand "No Kashi this.. is... NOT your fault I choose this. Do not... Dare to think this is your fault ok?" He just cried in my hand.. 'Well it is my last day here I want to tell him.' Kakashi cloud you get here I have something to wishper to you.. He looked at me with red, puffy eye and nodded he got his ear near my mouth "Kakashi I love you. Don't ever think that I hated you. You are my first and last.. Please find your happiness. I... Love... You..." I said he got ip a little but a second later I felt his lips on my left side of mouth. "I.... Love you too.." I smiled I was truly happy but I had something more to do and I can feel my soul lefting my body... "Rin.." I called out she was by my side in matter of seconds I activated my Sharingan (two tomoes). "Rin please transfer my Sharingan to Kakashi's lef eye." Her eyes winden but she obligated...
After operation was done I feel ground began shaking Obito and Rin got out but Kakashi stayed with his arm tightly holding mine.. "Kakashi you must go." He shook his head no. "Please Kakashi you must get out of here. They will need you.." His eyes were full of tears I cloud tell that his heart is in so much pain but he got up and tried to let go of my hand I stopped him "Wait I have one more wish" he looked at me and I said "Take off your mask and smile at me" He did as I asked but his smile was fake. I let go of his hand my last words were.. "Protect Obito and Rin. I love you." After those words left my mouth I see Kakashi out of cave and another large boulder coming towards me everything went black.
Soooo my pepole that is it for today see ya in another chapter.

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