Bell test! Will we fail?!

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Heya my pepole how are ya? I'm in hospital right now. I had minor heart attack.  But I'm little better now so I can write!!! Let's jump in new chapter!  Warning this chapter will be short.

When smoke cleared I see Minato sensei. "Hey kids how are you?" He said smiling at us "I'm perfect!" I said with enthusiastic tone. Rin said that she is good and Kakashi just nodded.  Obito well he was obviously late.
"Hey guys sorry I'm late I had to help old lady with her bags!" Obito said while running through the bushes.  Rin and Sensei sweat dropped I just smiled at him and Kakashi grunted in annoyance. "It's okay Obito!" I smiled at him. "Okay kids. Time for test." Said
Minato while pulling out three bells. "Your mission is simple. You have to take these bells from me by noon. Time starts... NOW!" We all scattered. I laid in the tree 'Ok.. So if this is anything like Kakashi's bell test point is team work.. I think I cloud get Rin to work with me but Kakashi and Obito. I'm not so sure.. Okay I must find them!' First one I spotted was Obito. I sneaked towards him an put my hand on his mouth so he wouldn't scream.  He began trashing around "Hey Obito claim down it's me!" I whisper yelled in his ear and he stopped I let him go. "Sorry about that but I had to make sure you don't yell. I have to ask you for a favor. " I said he nodded for me to continue "So basically point of this test s team work are you with me?" He smiled and nodded. With Rin was the same... 'Now you are next Kakashi. ' I saw him in the bushes an sneaked towards him. "Hey Kakashi. " I whispered to him he turned around and raised one eyebrow as if asking me what I want.
"I think I know whole point of this test. It's team work." He looked at me and shook his head no. I was a bit sad. He didn't want to work with us. "I can't I have to prove myself.  Sorry 《~》." I smiled at him and nodded "Ok. Be careful ." He just nodded.
I threw my right hand at his face but he caught it.. I knew he would so I kicked him with a knee in jaw his hold on my hand slips. I kick him with left and then with right. But that's when I noticed it was a shadow clone so I threw kunai right in his head. His clone disappeared. He was behind me "Wow. That was good. But I advise you to be aware of your surroundings. " I smirked and disappeared in puff of smoke. His face was well.. It would be understatement to say shocked. That is when Obito cut the rope and large log charged towards him. He dodged it Rin aimed for him with a kunai but also failed. I jumped in and began to throw punches.. Right hand dodged, left leg dodged I jumped away from him and began to do hand signs for my own created jutsu.
Fire style: Dancing fire dragon!
Fire shot out of my mouth using form of dragon. It rushed towards him and smirk appears on my face.. Reason it calls dancing it's because he can move just by moving my eyes towards my target. When it began to follow Minato look of shock appears on his face.. just about it hit him my fire dragon turned in to a water one and splashed Minato with ice cold water. I took this opportunity to get bells from his hip. So why don't joke around and replace them with clones? And I did.. After replacement I jumped away from him. In that moment Kakashi jumped out of bushes with Chidori in his hand.. But Minato appeared behind him and stopped his attack. Rin and Obito jumped out of bushes "Well done all four of you. But it is bad you didn't get the bells." Said Minato "Or.. Didn't we?" I asked in mocking tone as I took three bells out of my pocket. Look of surprise on everyone's faces "When did you..." Minato asked "In moment when my water dragon splashed you I took the bells and replaced them with three of my clones." He just smiled.. "Well done. You are pretty clever but who will get remaining two?" He asked me I throw one to Rin one to Obito and one to Kakashi. Kakashi looked at me with shock "No 《~》 I can't use this! This is yours." He said to me and gave me my bell. Minato watched us with smile. He clapped his hands to get our attention "Ok guys. You..... PASS!" He said with very big smile on his face "Tomorrow is first mission of the team 7!
Aaand that is it for today! 

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