Your life is living HELL but you always have smile on your face.. NO MATTER WHAT!
(Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L)= Your lastname
(Y/H)= Your homeland
(Y/MN)= Your morher name
(Y/FN)= Your father name
(Y/BN)= Your brother name
In last chapter: "Oh you are near the village hidden i leaf also known as Konoha" he said.. And my eyes winded... "I'm WHERE?!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Akia's POV: 'Ok she is REALLY loud mouth!'
"I said you are near Konoha, and I don't wan't to be rude.. but can you please be a little quieter?" 'I think is for the better to take her to Hokage' "Ok so.. (Y/N) will you come with me in Konoha?"
(Y/N)'s POV: 'Wait.. Did he just.. No way!" I begin nodding my head like mad man or woman.. or man... "YES!" He had sweat-drop on his forehead and gave me face like 'are you serious' and I was like 'Oh please earth open yourself and swallow me!' "I mean.. Yeah why not..." I tried to sound calm and collected but after what happened just now.. Yeah that will be a little hard to believe.
TIME SKIP... 'So now we are on our way to Hokage... there was awkward silence because my outburst earlier... Oh God why me!? I wonder... Will I meet Naruto? Or Kakashi.. Or maybe Hiruzen (aka 3th Hokage)... Oh well..' My train of thought was cut off by Akia..
Akia's POV: "Ok we are here.. This is Konoha..." I see Akira and Uta on main village gates... "Hey Akira. Hey Uta..." "Oh hey Akia and.. Who is this?" Akira said pointing at (Y/N)... "Oh this is (Y/N) (L/N).. I found her near village.. and now we are going to Hokage..."
(Y/N)'s POV We are at main village gates and I see two men first one (Akira).. Is around his 20's with spiky brown hair, hazel eye's, black headband around his forehead and classic Chunin outfit. The second one (Uta) is around 16, with raven blonde hair, light blue eye's, dark blue headband around his neck, and classic Chunin outfit... "... and now we are going to Hokage" I hear Akia say... They both nod and let us in. TIME SKIP.. HOKAGE OFFICE KNOCK KNOCK... "Come in" we heard... Akia opened door to see.... THE HIRUZEN SARUTOBI THE FREAKING 3TH HOKAGE... I was VERY happy..
3th Hokage POV: "Come in" i say.. the door opens to see Akia.. and some little girl around 6, with (H/CO) (H/CU), with black hoodie that is zipped down, blue shirt and black ANBU pants.. Standing beside Akia... (A/N this is out fit)
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Ok so this is it.. for this chapter.. Tomorrow new one! Peace! Ya ne.