Chapter 2

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The group walked down the trail together to get to their cabins. Cath's cabin was number 22, so she arrived at hers first.

Everyone looked at Cath with pity as she stared at the wooden door.

"I'm so sorry, Cath," Eliza said quietly.

"It's okay," Cath said, smiling sadly. "Guess I just won't spend nearly as much time in my cabin as I usually do."

Eliza kissed Cath on the nose, then Cath turned to the door. She took a deep breath, then walked in.

There were 3 girls already inside- the Heathers. They were giggling about something, but when Cath walked in, they fell silent.

"Um, can I help you?" the one in red said.

"Um, hi. I'm Cath, your cabinmate?"

The girls looked at each other in disgust and confusion.

"I didn't think anyone else was supposed to be in here with us," the one in yellow said.

"Trust me, I didn't request to be here," Cath muttered.

"What was that?" the one in green said, sitting up.

"Oh- nothing, I just-"

"I think she said that she didn't enjoy being here with us," the one in red said, climbing down from the top bunk. She stepped up to Cath and glared in her face.

"They might force us to room together, but I swear to you, if you cross ANY of us, you will regret it," she whispered dangerously. Heather stepped back. "Get out, bitch."

Cath dropped her bags and quickly left. The others were only a little while down the trail, so she ran and caught up with them.

"Cath? Everything all right?" Peggy asked.

"They, um, the kicked me out for now," she said, breathing heavily and wiping her glasses on her shirt.

"Are you kidding me?" Angelica said. She was fuming. "NO ONE kicks my friends out of ANYWHERE." Ang started walking back toward Cath's cabin.

"Wait- Ang, what are you doing?" Cath said.

"I'm showing them who they're messing with!"

"Wait- NO!"

Cath tried to run up to her, but Laf came over and picked Cath up, slinging her over his shoulder.

"It's best not to mess with her right now," he said, over the sound of Cath's protesting.

"Besides, those jerks deserve it!" Herc said. The group reached the cabin and watched as Ang banged open the door.

"Okay, listen up," Ang said. The Heathers looked up at her in shock. Who WAS this girl and WHY was she bursting into their cabin?

"You can't just kick my friend out of this cabin. This place isn't just yours," Ang said, raising her voice as she got angrier. "If you think you can come in here acting like you're the bosses, then you obviously haven't been to Camp Revolutionary before. So you have a choice: you can room with my friend and not give her any trouble, or you can be out of camp by noon."

Heather Chandler raised her eyebrows.

"And who do YOU think you are?" she said.

"Someone who knows a shitload more about this place then you do," Ang retorted.

"You know what? Fine. We'll be nice to her," Heather said, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you," Ang said, turning to leave.

"Bitch," Heather muttered.

Ang tensed and stopped. She spun around and, in one clean move, punched Heather right in the nose.

"OW!" Heather screeched. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" she cried, as blood flowed from her nose onto her outfit. She turned to the other two. "Don't just stand there with you mouths open! Get me a tissue and some new clothes!"

The two girls sprang into action, tearing through Heather's bag.

"Here!" Heather said, pinching her nose with one hand and picking up Cath's bag with the other. "She can stay with you! Just stay away from US!"

"Fine by me!" Ang yelled back, snatching the bag and slamming the door behind her.

The group outside had their eyes and mouths wide open. Ang smiled and took a deep breath.

"That felt good," she said, stepping off the porch and rejoining the group.

"Laf, can you put me down?" Cath groaned.

Laf set Cath down.

"What did you DO?" Cath sighed. "And why do you have my bag?!"

"You're staying with us now," Ang said, handing Cath her bag. "And I punched her in the nose," she said nonchalantly as she continued walking down the trail.

"You WHAT?" Cath cried, running up to her. "Ang, you'll be kicked out!"

"Not unless she wants me to break something else," Ang said confidently.

"Hey, at least you'll be staying with us now!" Peggy said, patting Cath on the back.

Cath smiled weakly, but didn't say anything.

The Schuylers and Cath arrived at their cabin a few minutes later.

"See you in a bit, guys!" Eliza said, waving to the boys.

The Revolutionary Crew waved back, then continued down the trail. At the sight of their old cabin, they broke out into wide grins.

"Welcome home, boys," Alex said.

AN: Holy crap I've missed this❤❤

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