Chapter 14

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Alex was awoken the next morning with a start by a trumpet blasting. He sat up quickly and hit his head on the ceiling, sending him right back down to his pillow. He groaned as John giggled at him and glanced at the doorway to see Peggy playing a VERY out of tune "Mary Had a Little Lamb".

"Peggy, what is the name of all that is holy are you DOING?" Herc grumbled, sitting up and clamping his hands over his ears. "AND WHERE DID YOU GET A TRUMPET?"

Peggy stopped playing and grinned.

"Connor found it in Squip's bag," she said. "Now GET UP, it's NATURE HIKE DAY!" She turned around and continued to blast the trumpet badly on her way out.

"It's 7:45 in the morning," Laf complained, checking his phone. "The hike isn't until noon."

Alex rolled his eyes and flopped back over, trying to get five more minutes of sleep and trying to ignore his throbbing forehead.

"Alex, let's go to the lake," John said, getting up and hopping down from his bunk.

Alex sighed and turned to face his boyfriend.

"I hate saying no to that face, but I barely got any sleep, so NO," he said, turning back over and shutting his eyes tightly.

John rolled his eyes and yanked the covers off Alex, who dramatically screeched.

"Come on, ya big baby," John said, heading for the door. He shut it behind him, but then opened it and peeked his head back in. "I have a surprise for you," he added before shutting the door again.

Well, that was intriguing enough to get Alex out of bed. He hopped down and got dressed quickly, following John out the door to the lake.

"Where's my present?" Alex said, smiling like a 6-year old on Christmas morning. John laughed.

"I'll give it to you when we get down to the lake!" he said. Alex smiled and quickly started sprinting in the direction of the lake. John smiled and sighed.

"Dear God, I'm dating a child," he said to himself, before taking off after Alex.

John arrived at the lake just a few seconds after Alex, but Alex already had himself sat under a tree criss-cross-applesauce and was smiling widely, his eyes the size of saucers. John giggled.

"My goodness, it's not even that special," John said, sitting down next to him. "I just wanted to get you out of bed."

Alex's face fell.

"Did you make up the surprise?" he said sadly. John shook his head.

"Don't worry, I've got it right here," he said, pulling a small bag out of his pocket. "Here," he said, handing it to him.

Alex opened the drawstring bag quickly and pulled out a small bracelet with a sunflower charm on it. He turned red and looked up at John, speechless for the first time in his life.

"John- it's- I don't know what to say-"

John smiled.

"I know it's kinda cheesy," he said. "I just wanted to give it to you to thank you for being the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and for always being the light of my life. I have one too," he said, pulling back his sleeve to reveal his bracelet. "Do you like it?" John asked nervously.

To that, Alex tackled John in a tight hug and basically attached to him like a koala bear.

"I LOVE IT!" he yelled, squeezing John even tighter. John laughed as Alex backed off and admired his bracelet again. "It's absolutely PERFECT," he said, slipping it onto his left wrist and adjusting it. He turned to John and smiled, his face bright red from how excited he was. "Thank you so much, John. You're the best," he whispered, holding John's face in his hands and grinning, pulling him in for a kiss.

John smiled against Alex's lips. Damn, he could probably give this boy a used tissue and he'd be excited.

Alex spent the rest of the day showing his bracelet off to every single person he came across, whether they were his friend, foe, or a complete stranger.

"Look at what my BOYFRIEND got me," he'd brag before holding up his wrist with glee. Everyone got tired of it very quickly, especially on the nature walk, where every single time they came across an animal, Alex would show it his bracelet.

"Alex, the squirrel doesn't care about your relationship," Laf said as Alex held up his wrist to a squirrel scampering up a tree. Alex turned to Laf and put his hand on his chest as his mouth fell open.

"Laf, how DARE you," he said, with mock offense. "I'd like to believe that this squirrel completely supports gay rights."

John smiled at his dorky boyfriend and squeezed his hand tightly. Alex smiled back and held his bracelet out to show a butterfly that was passing next to them. Just then, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison strolled up next to them.

"Jeffershit! Haven't seen you all summer!" Alex said, loosening the string on his bracelet slightly. "Thought we had the pleasure of a summer without you."

Jefferson glared at him.

"Just trying to keep my distance," he drawled, his eyes glazing over the crowd of people. "Your little friend group seems to have grown twice in size this year so I'd rather not spend my time with you all."

"So what are you doing talking to us now?" John asked. Something about Jefferson's entire nature just pissed him off. Alex still looked amused.

"Just wanted to politely ask your boyfriend to shut up about his goddamn bracelet," Jefferson said, glaring at Alex. Alex laughed.

"Oh, Jefferson, did I show you this BRACELET MY BOYFRIEND GOT ME?" Alex shouted, shoved his hand into Thomas's face. Jefferson rolled his eyes and turned away as John grinned.

They continued along on their nature walk, pointing out different flowers and animals. They lost Herc along the trail and had to go back to find him. He was sitting near a small stream, picking flowers and making a flower crown, which he put in Laf's hair when they came back and got him. Alex eventually stopped showing off his bracelet after Jefferson grabbed his wrist and shoved it into his chest, which just made Alex laugh at him even more.

The group headed back to the dining hall after the hike, grabbing some sandwiches for lunch and eating them by the lake. Suddenly, Alex screeched and grabbed his wrist. He looked at John with wide eyes and started tearing up.

"John," he whispered, "my bracelet's gone."

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