Chapter 10

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It was finally trivia night, and the entire crew was in the main hall, paired up and ready to go.

"Why is this mandatory?" Jeremy groaned. "Can't I just stay in my cabin?"

"Absolutely not," Cath said. "Trust me, you're gonna want to be here for this. Last year was quite the show." John and Alex smiled at each other, remembering the events that had taken place. "I'm going to go to the concession stand now. And I swear to God, if any of you come to me for anything except food, I will have a breakdown. You've been warned." The ones who had been there last year all laughed, reliving the chaos in their heads.

The pairs in the group were John and Alex, Herc and Laf, Peggy and Maria, Eliza and Squip (she was the only one who took pity on him), Jeremy and Michael, and Connor and Jared. Evan was waiting for Heather M. to arrive so he could partner up with her. Angie was helping Cath out at the concession stand this year.

"Holy SHIT!"

Everyone practically jumped out of their skin at Jeremy's scream. His eyes and mouth were wide open and they followed his gaze to see that he was staring at the door, where the Heathers had just come in.

"Was nobody going to tell me that they went here?!" he screamed. The others looked at each other, confused, as Heather M. took her seat next to Evan.

"Um, allow me to explain," she said, putting her head in her hands. "Heather Chandler's dad is a director for off-broadway and broadway shows. A girl who went to our school, Cady Heron, had a character named after her because her mom is a writer for off-broadway and broadway shows. Heather Chandler basically threatened her dad to make sure her name was in a show. And when her dad brought it up to some writers, and they found out Heather had two other friends with the same name, viola, our names are in a musical." She shook her her head with a disappointed look in her eyes. "I really didn't want to be a part of it, but I guess I am." Heather turned to Jeremy. "Before you ask, no, I haven't met any of the actors. I did not go see the show. Now please leave me alone."

Jeremy slowly sat down and closed his mouth. Everyone was in a kind of shocked silence, but  that was soon interrupted by Mr. Washington.

"Welcome to our annual trivia night!" he said into a microphone. "We have a couple rounds of questions for you all here, so if you know the answer, just hit your buzzer. Let's get started!"

Alex and John smiled at each other. They had won in a landslide last year, so they figured it wouldn't be too much of an issue for them to win this year either.

"Question 1- who was the 12th president of the United States?"

Cath and Angelica were relaxing back in the concession stand while the game was going on.

"I'm so glad everyone got together," Cath said. "I really didn't want to play matchmaker again."

Angie laughed.

"Last year was absolutely CHAOTIC," she agreed. "But luckily, that all seems to be behind us." She paused for second. "How're things with my sister?"

Cath blushed.

"Eliza's wonderful, Ang," she said. "I'm really, really lucky to have her in my life."

Angie smiled.

"I knew you guys would be good together," she said, as John and Alex got their 6th point in a row.

John squeezed Alex's hand under the table and gave him a smile as Washington added another point for them.

"Ya know, I'm really glad that we're a couple this time," he whispered. "It was torture just looking at you longingly last year." Alex smiled and kissed John on the forehead, squeezing his hand back.

"Could these couples be any more obnoxious?" Jeremy said, rolling his eyes.

"I think it's sweet," Michael said. He was kind of sick of it too, but he was still pissed that Jeremy wouldn't let him use his laptop, so he had to disagree with him.

"I mean, God, it's not that hard to date someone, is it? Why do they consider it such a big accomplishment?"

"Jeremy, shut up, you haven't even had your first kiss yet," Michael said, rolling his eyes, which lingered on Jeremy's lips for a second. "I think you're just jealous."

"Not true!" Jeremy practically shouted, knowing damn well that Michael was right. They had been best friends since kindergarten. How do you ask out someone you're that close to?

Meanwhile, Eliza was inching further and further away from Squip, who was getting grease all over their answering button after not wiping his hands from his food. She leaned over to Theodosia at the next table.

"Any chance you want to trade?" she asked.

Theo laughed. "Absolutely not," she said, turning back to her table. Eliza wanted to ask why Aaron had decided not to come back this year, but it didn't seem like the best time. Instead, she turned back to Squip, who was now doing the robot while "Funkytown" played on his phone. She looked over at Cath, exasperated. Cath giggled and shook her head. Leave it to Eliza to be too nice to say no.

The night went on, and, unsurprisingly, John and Alex won with 47 points. They walked hand in hand back to their cabin, talking about nothing in particular.

*time skip*


John woke up to Alex shaking his arm.

"What? What is it? Are you okay?"

Alex smiled. "Come with me!"

John sleepily got out of bed and pulled a blanket over his shoulders as Alex let him outside.

"Alex, where are we going? It's 2 in the morning." Alex only smiled.

"Just come on!"

John rubbed his eyes and walked with Alex a bit longer. Then his gaze landed on a beautiful site.

The lake was lit up under the bright moon, and, sitting under a tree next to the water, was a blanket and a picnic basket.

"Aww, Alex!" he said, smiling wide. "This is so sweet!"

Alex grinned and led him over to the blanket, opening the basket and taking out a bottle of champagne and some chocolate-covered strawberries.

"I know we missed seeing each other a lot this past year," he said, "this is just me thanking you for sticking it out with me and making me happier than I've ever been in my entire life. With you, I actually have hope. So thank you."

John smiled, tears brimming his eyes. He pulled Alex in and kissed him deeply and passionately.

"No, thank you," he whispered, their noses touching. The boys leaned back in and kissed again and again, full of love and passion.

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, John."

Suddenly, from behind them, there was a thud. They looked over and were shocked to see what had fallen out of a nearby tree.

"Uh, Aaron?"

AN: I'll be honest, I don't remember what I wanted to do with Burr when I first wrote this, but I'm figuring out a new plan lol. I'll be putting in more lams fluff soon, I promise. Love you all:)

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