Who would do something like that....?

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Chara: M-Maybe we can find Seven and Five here too... Right? 

Frisk: Yeah, might as well do that while we're here.... *Everybody walks down a damp metal path, until they reach a latch, Cuphead opens it, and they crawl through, into a vent, some of the taller characters keep getting stuck, but they make it through*

Cuphead: Wow... For such a large place, you'd think the vents would be bigger...

Boris: Yeah... Please don't say that we have to go through too many of those... *They all walk up a long staircase*

Frisk: Um.... *They look at the giant chains around the place* The giants must be a LOT bigger than I thought... *They walk through a couple more rooms, but stop when they see somebody hung from the ceiling* Wh-Wha....

Chara: Did they.....?

Sans: This place is way more messed up than I thought...

Mugman: Wh-Why would somebody do that...?

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