Mr. Grabby has joined us! Yay!!

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*They walk around some more, they then go into a bedroom area, they suddenly hear a door creak open, they see a fairly short man (For the giants anyway), with abnormally long arms, and bandaged up eyes, come into the room*

Chara: <Whispers: Okay! I don't want all of THAT shit coming at us!> *Everyone quickly runs underneath a bed, the creature feels around with his hands and ends up to the left of the bed, everybody runs to the right, into another room, they climb some boxes, onto a shelf, then crawling through a vent, they get to the next room, and Chara starts to hold her stomach in hunger, everybody else seems to be fine*

Boris: What or who was that??

Frisk: It was one of the giants.... Right...?

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