Sans: N-No! I-I'm! I AM happy! I needed to-
-1 HP
Sans: I needed to trick myself into thinking that I'm happy... Please! That moment where i went on that long rant about how I'm weak! How I can't protect you! That was the truth! A Monster's SOUL can't handle t-too much sadness, anger, or pain! Or else it starts to-
-2 HP
Sans: B-Break apart... Eliver. The reason that I always give a fake smile... The reason that I lie, and pretend that everything will be fine.... It's not because I don't want to get better, because I DO want to get better! It's because my SOUL can't handle it! When I wear a fake smile, and joke, and lie... That's me tricking myself into thinking that I'm happy when I'm not! Please! The pain of a cracking SOUL is too much! I know that I'm not happy now-
-1 HP *They reach a wall, Sans drops down, his SOUL cracks even more, not losing HP this time*
Bendy: *He runs over to Sans in concern* Sans! What happened to you?! Your HP went down!
Sans: I-I can't do it! Eliver! I told myself that I'm unhappy! I-I don't know how else I can hold it off!!
Bendy: W-Wait! Are you...?! Oh no! *He grabs Sans' hand*
Sans: What are you doing, Bendy??
Bendy: Sharing my HP... I don't know any other way to stop it.... Guess we just have to hold hands until you trick yourself into believing that you're fine again... Sorry for the awkwardness... I'm the only one here who has this ability...
Sans: What exactly.... IS this ability again?
Bendy: Basically, adding our HP together, so we share the same amount of HP unless we stop physical contact...
Sans: Oh... That is a pretty rare magic ability... I've only ever knew one person who has that ability... Plus, it's only possible within Monsters... Wait... You're a Monster, Bendy?
Bendy: Yeah! O'Course I am! What? Did you think that cartoons just come too life whenever they're created? That would be a catastrophe!! Besides... We didn't exactly want to come to life... Anyway, enough about me! What's made you so sad, or angry??
Sans: Heh heh! Uh! Hey, look at that! A ladder! Ain't that exciting?! Let's go up there!
Bendy: *Sigh* Fine... But your gonna have to spill eventually...*Everybody climbs up the ladder, they walks through a small pipe, and up a chain, they go through a few more rooms, then inside, where there are giants walking through, they leap across the lights, they go through a room, where a giants feasting, they go into another room where there's a bunch of them, the first giant notices them, throwing the table and crawling after them*
Cuphead: Oh, fuck that shit!! *They run into the next room, losing the giants, they go across the next room to a dead end*
Chara: D-Do we have to go across the table...?!
Frisk: Looks that way.... *They climb onto the table and run across as fast as they can, they go across even more rooms full of giants, they go into a hallway and see the elevators come down with one of the twins in it*
Chara: Shit.....