Cuphead: Hmm? Actually... You probably don't wanna be Oswald... He's uh... He's been pretty... "different" since his gal Ortensia passed on... I think she died from the same thing that Bendo (Cuphead's bad with names, in case you haven't noticed XD) has, um.... "Inkness"?? It's something that only cartoons can get, especially Ink related ones.... But even then, It's pretty rare... Oh, and uh.... Forest Follies should be the first area that we have to go through... But, I gotta tell ya, this is gonna get pretty frickin' difficult, after a while.....
Mugman: What?! That's awful! You're not fine! Wait! You should let me try to get to them! I could probably convince ONE of them, at least, to realize that you're Astell! I should probably start with Flowey... Rocky has been looking pretty angry for a few minutes now... Is it alright with you if I try?
Bendy: Uh... Oh boy... Well, actually, neither of those happened... Actually, I guess that she really just knows me 'cause of Boris.... I think that if Boris didn't meet her, that she couldn't give a care in the world 'bout me... She- *Bendy stops talking as he coughs up Ink into his hands*