You're a sicko!

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Flowey: What the fu-?! Are you TRYING to make me hate you more?? Like, SERIOUSLY! Astell is D-E-A-D! DEAD! She's not  coming back! Once someone leaves, they DON'T come back! So, if you wanna sit there and pretend to be my dead sister, then fine. But, I'm not gonna believe you! There's TWO people over there who look JUST like Chara! But, y'know what?! They AREN'T! And don't call me "Azzy" either, you sicko! Why do you even- *He notices her clouded over eye's* Uh.... Are you sick or somethin'?? Hello?? You alive?? Hey, look! The murderous flower's defense dropped to zero! Come over and kill me! Ugh.... Whatever... You're pretty sick, you know... Reminding someone of their dead sister, then trying to make them feel bad for YOU. Besides, I could care less if you're alright! I don't even know you!

Sans: Welp. Imma go over here now... <Mumbles: Can Rocky really be THAT bad...?> *He walks over to Pastel and Flowey* Hey, Pastel... Hey, bud... You two doing alright?

Flowey: We're fine, trashba- Wait... Bud? Did you just...?! YOU LITTLE SON OF A- *Sans covers Flowey's mouth*

Sans: *Sigh* I forgot 'bout this.... Plus, I didn't even mean to make that pun... This really reminds me of when we went through the underground.... Except... I seed that it's a bit different...

Flowey: *Bites Sans' hand, making Sans drop Flowey* HAHAHAHA- Why do I suddenly have a craving for gummy worms...?

Sans: Sorry, we hadn't botany this week...


Sans: Stab my dad all you want, I'd prefer if you didn't stab my mom though....

Flowey: Great.... I forgot that Gaster's a huge moron..... Not to mention how creepy he is....

Sans: Sure you could say that... Or...

Flowey: DON'T.

Sans: That he sends chills up your spine?


Sans: Oh, c'mon~! That was a real rib tickler!

Flowey: I'll stab YOU! *He pulls out "friendliness pellets", Sans easily dodging them* Just DIE already, You traitor!!

Sans: Heh heh! Nope! *He levitates Flowey, making Flowey flinch back in fear, he doesn't notice this, as his gaze locks onto Pastel* Uh... Pastel...? Are you alright? Your eye's are clouded over... What happened? I swear to the all holy potato, if Flowey hurt you....

Anon: Mugman, would you ever  C E N S O R E D  with Cuphead, Dice, or Boris?

Mugman: *Punches Anon* NO. That's DISGUSTING !! ALSO! There are innocent children around!!

Anon: So... I'm trying to think of really unusual ships to start... How about Gaster X Chara?

Chara: *Repeatedly stabs Anon with sewing needle* It's good that I don't have my knife with me... Because I want to make this as painfully slow as possible!!

Anon: Ow! Why?! You don't even have any reason that you'd be against Gaster! Right?!

Chara: *Stabs even more*

Anon: Hey, Eliver! Cheating on someone means to date someone else behind your mates back! So... Would you ever cheat on Sans with Papyrus? (I know, I'm gross) Also, have you ever mistaken an AU of Sans for YOUR Sans? P.S. - What does "Tomorrow is another day" mean?

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