Chapter Twelve

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            Lazy Sunday mornings waking up in Ryan's arms immediately became my new favorite thing. The heat from his body curled around mine and I snuggled deeper into his side. I'd woken up first and watched Ryan's eyelids twitch back and forth in dreams. Savoring the moment, I stared at his face. It looked different now than when I studied it for the bust. The lines on his forehead smoothed out in sleep, not a spec of tension in them. I loved looking at him like this, unabashedly, without any fear of him thinking I was creepy or weird.

His eyelashes fluttered open and he looked at me with such happiness it almost scared me. The feelings I had for him, and he had for me, were so powerful. I didn't quite know what to do with them.

"Morning, beautiful," he mumbled, grabbing me by the waist and rolling me on top of him.

"Morning, gorgeous," a male voice from the other side of the room interjected.

"Oh, hey Jim," Ryan answered to his roommate, untangling himself from under me and sitting up. I followed suit, pulling the blanket up under my chin. All my clothes were still on, but I felt very exposed, having forgotten Jim had been in a bed about four feet from ours the entire time.

"Hi," I said shyly, knowing I would be getting to know Jim much better over the next few months.

"This is my girlfriend, Lily," Ryan said, gripping my hips and lifting me onto his lap. I was less surprised when his parents walked in on us. Did he really just say girlfriend?

"I know," Jim said, grabbing his shower caddy off the desk. "We've met before." With the slam of the door, he left to go take a shower. I could see why Ryan didn't spend much time socially with him.

Now alone, I spun my body around to face Ryan, my legs straddling his. He placed his hands on my back, dangerously low. I tried to hide the giddiness bubbling up inside me, but I couldn't. "About that word you just said," I managed to squeak out. I couldn't let it go without acknowledging it.

"You noticed that, huh?" His lips curled up in a smirk.

"Considering I've met Jim a few times before, I assume it was just for affect."

"Absolutely. I realized that I'd never formally made that distinction last night. And I don't want you to think for one second that I want to be with anyone but you."

It was interesting the things a person notices. It was as though my body could sense this would be an important moment in my life forever. Everything slowed down. I felt each breath my lungs took. In out, in out. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the corner of his mouth. I was absolutely mesmerized by the contrast of his soft lips against the fuzz of the facial hair around it. I would always remember that image.

"Lily?" he prompted.

I'd been staring too long. My view shifted up. "I would love nothing more to be your girlfriend," I answered resolutely. Cue more disintegrating of the walls around my heart.

I didn't have to look back at Ryan's lips to know he was smiling.

"So, no more running?"

"No more running. Now kiss me, boyfriend."

And he did just that.


We stayed in bed most of the morning, much to the chagrin of Jim. There was talking, laughing, and plenty of kissing as we reveled in our new relationship. I had no plans to ever leave. Now that Ryan was mine, I didn't want to share him with the outside world.

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