Chapter Thirty-Four

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            I bounced back and forth from one foot to the other. Even though I had just checked it, I glanced down at my watch again. It was 6:15 and Ryan was late. Though since it was Friday night, and traffic was always a mess, it would have been more surprising if he was on time. It wasn't that I was worried he was blowing me off, I was just so excited to see him.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw Ryan's black SUV pull up alongside the curb. Even though it was a no-parking zone, he put on the hazards and jumped out of the car. We ran towards each other and Ryan swung me up into his arms and off my feet. I giggled into his neck, inhaling his scent, as he spun me around on the sidewalk. When my feet touched the ground again, he dipped me backwards, kissing me hard on the mouth.

"It's so good to see you," he said, righting me to standing, but never taking his hands off my waist.

"You too," I smiled so big up at him I was surprised my face didn't crack open. "But we've gotta go before they tow your car right in front of us."

We scrambled into the car quickly, and Ryan merged back into the sea of yellow cabs and commuters leaving work. I directed him out of the city and onto the Major Deegan Expressway, heading northwest. He looked at me questioningly, but said nothing. I had a feeling he might have an idea of where we were going, but I hoped to hold him off as long as possible.

"Do you even have a car in the city?" he asked once we had merged onto Interstate 95.

I fiddled with the radio, trying to find a good song. "Nope, I had one in high school, but sold it once I moved up here permanently after college. There's just no point. It's so expensive to park it somewhere and I take the subway to work every day anyway. I honestly can't even remember the last time I drove a car. I guess maybe when I was in Florida for Christmas."

"Do you go home much?"

"Not really, which I feel really bad about, but it is what it is. It's hard for me to take off a lot of time from work. Plus, rent is ridiculously expensive, even on our tiny little apartment. I can rarely afford a plane ticket. My parents fly me down as my Christmas gift every year though. Which is good because I still haven't gotten used to the winters up here." I shivered remembering the brutal Arctic air that sank deep into my bones every year.

"Does your family come up to see you much then?"

"At least once or twice in the summer. They like to see me, but get a little overwhelmed by the city."

"I can understand that. It can be a little much sometimes. I really only go in the city when I have a specific reason to."

"Oh, really?"

He grabbed my hand over the console, interlacing our fingers together. "Yeah, but I'm hoping to have a reason to come in a lot more."

"Let me guess, you're auditioning for a Broadway play. By this time next year you want to be world famous for your magical singing and dancing abilities," I teased.

"How'd you guess? Damn, I thought I was so good at hiding my true passions."

"Not sly enough for me, Mr. Parker." I leaned across the seat to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I know everything about you."

"That you do, Sunshine Girl"

We drove a little further before I directed Ryan to take the next exit. It was a familiar road we'd been on many times before. His face lit up with recognition as soon as I pointed it out.

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