Chapter Eight

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            Days later I sat at the metal art table in the studio. It was nearing midnight and I was the only one left. Even the janitorial staff had already come and gone. I had spent every free moment the past week in here, desperately trying to turn this lump of clay into something that resembled a bust. Forget math, apparently art was going to be my undoing. Who knew? I blew a wayward strand of hair out of my face and rolled the ball of clay back to a lump of nothing to begin again.

"I knew I'd find you in here."

I recognized the voice without having to look up. "Hey, Ryan."

"You know you have to eat eventually, right? Maybe even sleep if you're feeling really crazy."

I groaned and stabbed the clay with my sculpting knife. I finally lifted my gaze and let myself look at Ryan. The only time I'd seen him all week was during our math class on Wednesday morning. It wasn't that I was avoiding him, I was just so busy with this project. But now that he stood in front of me, looking so yummy I could have eaten him with a spoon, I realized just how much I'd missed his company.

"I know," I sighed. "But this blob of clay is supposed to be a finished bust by Monday morning. And as you can see, it is anything but."

"I'm guessing you're too tired for me to make a joke out of that statement right now," his eyes twinkled.

I glared at him.

"Okay, okay, that's what I thought." He took off his jacket and sat down on the stool across the metal table from me. "So, seriously, what can I do to help?"

"I'm beyond all help," I whined. "Everyone else in my class is either completely done or only has to put on the finishing touches," I waved my hand towards the shelf behind me, which housed about thirty busts. "Clay has always been my nemesis," I smacked the piece in front of me as if it were at fault.

"Who does it have to be a bust of?" Ryan asked.

"Anyone we want. I've tried everyone in my family so far," I held up a picture I'd been working off of to show him, "but none of them even resembled a human being. It's hopeless."

"Have you tried working from a live model?"

"I can't. My family all lives in Florida." I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes out of frustration.

"You could try someone other than your family then."

"Oh yeah, who? Cassie's been working on a huge writing project all week. She doesn't have any free time and neither do Alexis or Lisa."

Ryan leaned back from the table and gestured to himself. "Ummm, hello? What about me? I'll do it if you want."

"Don't you have homework or lacrosse or something this weekend?"

"Nope. Coach had to go to some family event, so he gave us a few days off. I'm completely free."

I chewed thoughtfully on the edge of my lip, thoughts and ideas forming in my head. "And you would really do that for me?"

"Absolutely." He paused. "With one stipulation." He held up his finger to make a point.

"What's that?" I narrowed my eyes, unsure of what would come out of his mouth.

"When you're all done I get to make a bust of your bust." He could barely get the words out he was laughing so hard at his joke.

"Pig!" I threw the clay knife at him, nearly clipping his ear.

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