Chapter Thirty-Three

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            By the time Cassie got home from work that night, I'd taken the longest shower of my life, washed and unpacked my clothes from the weekend, organized my things for work in the morning, and texted back and forth with Ryan about a thousand times. But I was still completely mixed up by everything that transpired over the weekend. I was no longer sure of what was fact and what had been tainted in my memories by the emotions I attached to them. I needed a fresh perspective and practically pounced on Cassie when she walked through the door.

After squeezing me so hard I thought I'd lose my lunch, she immediately took charge. "Okay, I want a minute by minute recap," she said, dropping her bag and keys on the card table we were using as a dining set. "But first, I'll order the pizza while you open some wine. Extra cheese?" she asked, pulling out her phone to speed dial the pizza place down the block we ordered from at least three times a week.

I nodded as I walked into the tight kitchen and pushed my back against the counter to open the refrigerator. I selected a bottle of red wine from the top shelf and shut the door with my hip. Snatching the corkscrew off the top of the microwave, I opened the bottle. I brought it and the only two clean glasses I found in the cupboard over to the living room. I knew we'd be finishing the bottle tonight, so it was pointless to leave it in the kitchen.

Our pizza arrived by the time Cassie changed into her threadbare t-shirt and yoga pants. We laid the box open on the coffee table, grabbed some napkins, poured the wine, and sank back into our oversized grey couch. Cassie was at one end facing in, and I at the other.

While we ate, I filled her in on everything that happened over the weekend. Some things she already knew from our brief talks, while others were brand new information. But she needed to hear it all in one, uninterrupted story to truly have an understanding of the whole picture. She kept her complete shock over Ryan having a child in check, letting me tell her everything before she formed an opinion. I finished with Ryan's latest text to me, before sinking deeper into the couch, completely drained from re-living the experience.

Cassie sat in contemplative silence.

"So what do you think?" I prodded.

"We need ice cream," she said resolutely, hopping up off the couch and scurrying into the kitchen.

"I just found out my boyfriend has a five-year-old son, who had to have surgery, and all you can say is, we need ice cream? Plus, I don't think cookies and cream is going to give me the answers I want," I called after her.

"Probably not," she returned with two pints and two spoons. She handed me one set before sitting back down on the couch cross-legged. "But ice cream is always a good idea."

"Cheers to that," we clinked our spoons together.

Cassie took a bite before addressing the situation at hand. "Okay, this is what I think. You love him and he loves you."

"And," I prompted her, my mouth full of ice cream.

"And nothing. Lil, with the love you and Ryan have, you can get through anything together. You've come back from this weekend with a light I'd thought you lost. A light I haven't seen on your face for five years. What you two have is real, and long-lasting. And you're a fool to let it go."

"Well thanks. Shouldn't you be saying you'll support me no matter what happens?"

"I could, but sometimes you need a little tough love."

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