Chapter Eleven

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            Clothes flew across the room as Cassie and I ran around in a frenzy, desperately trying to clean up the next afternoon. Most of our stuff ended up shoved in drawers or tucked in hidden parts of the closet. But at least it was off the floor and out of sight. "Hurry! He'll be here any minute," I scooped up the empty Ramen containers and threw them in the garbage can. Cassie and I only seemed to clean when a boy came over. Which sadly for our room had not been that often.

Cassie held a vacuum in one hand and a dust rag in the other, surveying the room. "Looks pretty good to me."

I gave it a final once-over and flopped down in my desk chair. "I agree. Thanks so much for helping me, Cass. I'm really trying to make a good impression. I know Ryan's been in here before, but it's different this time."

"No sweat. I plan on having you pay back the favor one day," she said stowing the cleaning supplies away.

"Deal." Cassie had done more than help me clean up the room before my date with Ryan. In the safety of the darkness of our room last night, I'd filled her in on everything that transpired. I needed to hear everything laid out in front of me again. To make sure I was making the right decision and not setting myself up to be burned by the guy who so quickly ditched his date for me. Cassie was not as apprehensive as I was, and reassured me Ryan was a good guy, and distractively in love with me at that. She said to ignore all the rumors and trust the way I felt about him. I wasn't sure if I believed her because she knew what she was talking about, or because that was the answer I wanted to hear.

Shoving a few books in her bag, Cassie zipped it up and slung it over her shoulder. "Okay, I'm going off to the library and then out to dinner with the girls. See you later tonight or maybe not," she said. "Leave a note on the door if you need the room for the night," she called out, shutting the door behind her.

I glanced at the clock again. Ryan would be here soon. Nervous energy exploded inside me and I got up and started pacing. My breathing increased and my palms practically dripped with sweat. I walked in circles around the small space, probably wearing through the carpet. Last night had changed everything between us. We were no longer tiptoeing the line on our friendship. We were now firmly planted on the other side. Though I still kept my gaze looking halfway back, not yet ready to let go of the fear of the other shoe dropping.

A knock on the door made me visibly jump. Taking a moment to compose myself, I walked over as calmly as possible. I flung it open, a smile creeping over my face when I saw Ryan.

His grin matched my own. "Hey."

"Hey." I stood awkwardly, taking in the sight of him. He looked as though he had stepped out of a men's clothing catalog for their casual, yet trendy line with his brown boots, slightly distressed jeans, a blue plaid shirt, and a white t-shirt peeking out from underneath. He wore so much cologne it had preceded him down the hallway. But the hint of scruff on his face made me forget all about that.

"Wow, Lily, you" Ryan cleared his throat, but made no attempt to tear his eyes away from me.

I shivered, but for the first time, it wasn't from the chill in the air. I tugged at the deep navy dress I'd borrowed from Cassie, which was much shorter on my taller frame. "You too, wow." I stood meeting his gaze, feeling the heaviness of the moment sink into me.

"So, umm, can I come in?"

"Oh, yes," I opened the door wider and stepped to the side. "I'm sorry."

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