Chapter Twenty-Seven

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            A blaring ringtone woke me later that day. Sunlight streamed in between the flimsy hotel curtains, preventing my eyes from opening. Rolling onto my back, I smacked Ryan in the chest with my forearm. He groaned in response, sitting up.

"Stop that noise," I insisted, my voice boarding on a whine.

He grabbed the cell phone off the night table. "Hello," he spoke into it, rubbing his eyes. After a pause he replied, "Ryan. Who is this?" to the person on the other end.

My brow furrowed at him as I sat up, asking silent questions. I got the answer as soon as the next words came out of Ryan's mouth.

"Well good morning to you too, Cassie. I guess I accidentally picked up Lily's phone." He turned to me with eyebrows raised. I clamped my hand over my mouth in shock, stifling a fit of giggles. Guess I wouldn't have to find the right time to tell Cassie about Ryan and me.

"I promise," Ryan said to her before handing me the phone.

"So you went from barely being able to speak to the guy, to jumping in bed with him? Good for you," Cassie dove right in without giving me the chance to even say hello.

"I did not. We were up all night talking," I rebutted, unfolding myself from the bed and padding over to the bathroom.

"Then why is he answering your phone?"

"We had been on the beach all night talking and came back to my room and just passed out. The phone ringing woke us up. I told him to answer it without knowing whose phone it was," I mumbled while brushing my teeth. Though this wasn't the way I'd been hoping to tell Cassie about Ryan, at least it gave me an excuse to come into the bathroom and rectify my horrible morning breath situation.

"Likely story," she teased. "But really, what's up with you guys?"

I stared at my reflection before answering. My long hair was a matted mess and the smoky eyeliner I'd taken such care with last night now made me resemble a raccoon. Not exactly the glowing, angelic impression I'd hope to make in the morning. "It's complicated," I said, grabbing a washcloth and attempting to clean up as best as possible.

"I've got time," Cassie persisted.

"Well, unfortunately, I don't," I said, noting it was already after 4:00. "I promise to give you all the details when I get back on Monday."

"Alright, fine," she grumbled with a sigh. "Hey, Lil?"


"I'm glad you're having some fun," she said simply.

"Me too," I smiled to my reflection in the mirror before hanging up the phone. Grabbing the hairbrush on the counter, I ran it through the snarls until I resembled more human than beast. Finally satisfied with my appearance, I walked back into the bedroom.

"Morning, beautiful," Ryan grinned at me, stretched out across the bed.

"Morning." I crawled onto the soft mattress and lay my head across his stomach.

He immediately began running his fingers through my hair. "So is Cassie ready to fly down here and beat me?"

I giggled at the image of her tiny frame attempting to attack his much larger one. "Nope. She's actually always had a bit of a soft spot for you. When I called her Friday night, she encouraged me to give you another chance."

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