Chapter Fourteen

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We hit the ground running as soon as we returned from Thanksgiving break. There were only a few weeks of classes left before finals rained down on us. Most of our time was spent studying, making up for the days we partied a little too hard. Cassie and I quizzed each other and Ryan and I had a dinner date later to practice some math problems.

"When are you leaving for Christmas break?" Cassie asked, tossing her books aside. We were all so tired of studying, we looked for any excuse to take a break.

"The last day possible we're allowed to stay here. I wasn't sure when my finals would be scheduled, and I didn't want to have to change my flight. What about you?"

"My dad's coming to get me after my Lit test, a few days before you then. It's going to be strange to be home, huh?"

"Definitely. And if Thanksgiving was any indication, I'm going to be ready to come back here after a few days. I think I'll spend the whole time trying to avoid everyone I went to high school with."

"At least you'll get to be miserable while lying on a beach. I'll be stuck under three feet of snow. You may just find me hiding in your suitcase."

"I'm all for that." My phone buzzed with a message and I picked it up to check it. "Huh."

"What's wrong?" Cassie asked.

"It's Ryan. We were supposed to get dinner and then study together, but he just cancelled."

"Bummer. Did he say why?"

"He just said he couldn't make it anymore." I tapped the corner of my phone on my chin, thinking. "Do you think he's cheating on me?"

"What? No. That boy has got it bad for you. Why would you immediately jump to that conclusion?"

"I don't know. It's still really early in our relationship. And he did get over that mall chick ridiculously quickly. I bet that's who he's with right now." I unfolded myself from my chair and wrapped a scarf around my neck. "I'm going to confront him."

"Okay. I'm one hundred percent sure that he has a legitimate reason for breaking your date, and you are going to feel like a real idiot for even thinking he would cheat on you. But if he is with that girl, make sure to slap him for me too."

"I will." Anger fueled my movements and I stomped all the way downstairs and across the walkway and over to Ryan's room. By the time I reached his door, I was sure fire would spit from my mouth.

Knowing they rarely locked their door, I pushed it right open and walked in. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight I saw. Ryan was curled up under his blanket in bed, and Jim donned a medical mask, disinfectant spray poised at the ready. Relieved that Ryan was obviously not cheating, I doubled over in laughter. "What is going on in here?" I asked.

Jim pointed to Ryan, who upon closer inspection seemed to be sleeping. "That one has come down with the flu."

"Is that what the mask is all about?"

"Yup, I borrowed it from a nursing student I've been seeing. I'm supposed to go skiing in Colorado over break. There's no way I'm getting sick and missing that." He started cramming his books into a bag. "Now that you're here to make sure he doesn't die, I'm out. Merry Christmas."

"Bye," I waved, not entirely sure of what had just happened as Jim practically ran out the door. Turning my attention back to Ryan, I sat on the edge of his bed and put the back of my hand to his forehead. It was burning hot. He definitely had a fever.

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