Chapter 1

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Allies pov

I was waken by the sound of my alarm clock. I roll over and slam my hand on the snooze button. I roll out of bed and headed to my bathroom to get ready for school. I look at my self in the mirror and just stare and the bruises on my arm. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and land on my hand. Gently I rubbed my hand up and down my arm. I jump because of the pain.

After looking at all my marks I go over to the shower and turn it on. I slide all my clothes off then slip in the shower.

After the shower I went to my closet and picked out my red Tank top and some jean shorts. I put those on the. Grabbed my black vans.

I rushed down stairs to the smell of bacon. A smile grew on my face! I turn the corner to see my dad at the table with the newspaper in one hand and his coffee in the other. My mom is at the stove cooking bacon and eggs. Yay!

"Allie are you ready for school?" My dad asked.

"Yes I am! Can't wait!" I lied. I hate school! school is where I get kicked and punched. I'm not ready for school!

I have never told my parents about the bulling. I keep it a secret. When they ask about my bruises I say I fell down in pe. The less they know the better!

I sit down next to dad and go on twitter. I scroll to see Nash and katie... A tear when down my cheek.

 when i was in 6th grade i had a crush on nash. then in 7th he started bullling me.. now im a Junior and things just get worse. 

    my mom hands me my plate and i just stare at it. i decided im just going to skip breakfast and head to school.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I grab my  backpack and start walking to school. The school is right down the street so its not that far.                                                            as soon as I got in the school people started laughing at me. I kept my head down and just walked to my locker, but to no surprise mariah was there. She had on leg on the locker and back against it. 

'' so Allie! Im shocked you decied to show your face today! katie smirks. i didnt say anything.                                        I get my stuff and walked away. i had english first. Nash was in that class. I wish me and nash were still friends, but that wont happen. He has katie and doent need me. I just wish they would stop hurting me. 

 I walk into english and sit down next to my friend sydney. she has blond wavey hair and a cheeky grin. shes my best friend till the very end! class started and mrs. smith walks in. she sat her stuff on the table and looked at the class. 

"good morning class i see everyone has a smile on their face and this must mean you are having a good morning!'' she says. i was the only one not smiling. i looked around the room. everyone was smiling, except Nash. He stared at the ground i could tell he was hurt, but why? 

 2 hours later class was over! i walked out and sydney immediately grabbed my hand. " ALLIE GUESS WHAT!!!'' sydney screamed. '' um... you have a pickle for lunch?'' i say. '' NO! i got two tickets to see magcon in california today!!! wanna go? we will spend the whole weekend there'' she asked. '' sure of corse!'' i said. sydney hugged me and went to her next class. 

  my next class was art. Nash was in the class to. i walked into art and grabbed my seat. as soon as i did that i see Nash walk in. He was still hurt! he sat down next to me. I was a little shocked. 

'' Hey Allie!'' Nash says. I just looked at him. Then he look up at me. '' Nash please dont hurt me.'' i say a little scared. '' I wont!'' He said with a smile on his face. I dont understand.. why is he being nice? usally he would punch me or throw something at me. push me to the ground... what happened? i decided to ask him what was wrong.

" hey nash is something wrong? i ask. He looked up at me.. and then looked back down and just shook his head no... 

 somethings wrong!

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