It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To

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Seeing me face to face must have distracted him enough to loosen his grip on my wrist. I quickly removed it, trying to have some restraint. His touch made me want him.

He started mouthing something to me, but the music was so loud I couldn't hear.

He moved closer to me and pulled me into him so I could hear him better.

"What are you doing here?" His words were intoxicating in more than one way. I could smell the alcohol he'd been drinking and his breath in my ear tickled just slightly. He followed his first question with another, "I thought you didn't like clubs?"

"I don't." I pulled away from him as the DJ exclaimed, "Aight if you're celebrating a birthday tonight, make some noise!!" My friends who had been trailing behind me, caught up in seeing famous people, suddenly crowded around me screaming with glee.

Michael looked surprised and even a little hurt when he realized it was my birthday. I looked back at him with a bit of guilt.

Crystal followed my eyes and was shocked to see Michael. "Janeé, introduce me to your friend." He smiled and shook her hand, but his eyes never left mine.

After I broke eye contact with him, I walked away and finally found a seat. I needed a drink but I felt like if I drank, I'd cross a line I desperately didn't want to again. But then again, after the way Michael just looked at me, I was sure he didn't want anything to do with me right now. I grabbed the Crown Royal Apple that was in front of me and drank straight from the bottle. I decided I was going to enjoy myself because I deserved it. For the next hour as I drunkenly danced, I also watched Michael watching me from afar with looks of anger and lust.

Finally he got up and walked towards me. I could tell he was pretty tipsy because his body was relaxed and his stride was smooth. How did this man manage to gain more swag when he was drinking? I only knew he was angry because all the tension in his face was built up in between his eyebrows, his skin there was scrunched up and his big beautiful lips pouted out further than usual.

He took my hand and angrily guided me out of the section, to a less crowded area in the club. "Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" His face was so close to mine that this time when he spoke, I read his lips.

"Shhhhhhhh," I slapped my index finger on his lips in my drunken state, trying to get him to calm down. He clenched his jaw at me in frustration. "Professional, remember?" I said. My subconscious self was still trying to keep me out of trouble, but by liberated self was dying to take over.

Micheal wrapped his arm around my waist, forcefully making our hips meet. He whispered in my ear, "Was it professional when your pussy got wet for me? What about when you let me taste it? Or the time you laid in my bed rubbing your clit, begging me to put my dick inside you? Is that what you call professional?"

As he spoke I closed my eyes, thinking about the amazing sex we had, wanting more. His lips grazed my ear as he recalled some of the nasty things we did to each other. The graze on my ear turned into kisses on my neck. His tongue was warm and soft, making me moan in his ear before I could catch myself. I could feel the warmth intensifying between my legs as he backed me into a dark corner and palmed one of my breasts softly, still kissing my neck. I was his again and was overcome with emotion as he slowly moved his lips towards mine. I could tell he was still angry, but his kiss was gentle and warm, like he really cared about me. He placed both of his hands around my face, pulling me deeper into the kiss and I felt like I was going to cry. I'd managed to keep things professional the last six weeks, but only because he wasn't pursuing me. The moment he showed me any attention, I gave in.

I felt his thumb wipe my face and I realized I'd let a tear fall. I pulled away from him and started walking back to the section. I felt his hand pulling me back towards him.

"Janeé wait. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Tell me why you're crying. People don't cry for no reason."

He was so hot and cold. One minute he was throwing the things we did together in my face, trying to turn me on and the next he was kissing me sweetly and apologizing.

I put my hand up to motion 'it's fine,' because I didn't want to have a deep conversation with him in the middle of this club, while we were both tipsy.

He grabbed my hand once more, this time pulling me closer as he sadly whispered "Happy birthday Janeé," and walked towards the exit. I stood there watching him walk away, contemplating whether or not I should go after him. He seemed different tonight, everything that happened felt very personal for him. It was for me to, shit, I cried. I just wasn't sure if I cried because I felt like I had no self-control around him, or if I had actual feelings for him.

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