Chapter 3 - After Five Years? Really?

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*Luke's P.O.V.*

I sat through my entire class, unable to remove Derek from my mind. How his strong hand felt holding mine, how his eyes changed color when looking at me, how he made my heart skip a beat every time he spoke...

I sighed walking out of my last class, Astronomy. I made my way to my locker, putting my books away and grabbing my iPod.

As I started down the hall, I heard someone screech, "LUCAS ZENAN, ALSO KNOWN AS LUKE, STOP RIGHT NOW, AND LET YOUR BEST-EST FRIEND CATCH UP WITH YOU!" Bella ran up to me, lacing her arm with mine, flipping her long light brown hair to the side with her other hand.

"Why, hello to you, too." I said, locking elbows with her. We started skipping down the hall and to the caff.

She asked, "So, My Fluffy Friend, what classes did you have so far?"

Thinking about Derek again, I sighed. "Mrs. Beverly math second period, and Mr. Clarke Astronomy third. How about you?"

She sighed dreamily. "Mr. Clarke second period, then, gym third, and there is this new guy, and he is good enough to eat! Yum!" She put on her daydream face, and looked up sort of, and her eyes glazed over. She's talking about Derek.

"He's in my second period class and my homeroom. I invited him to eat with us." She snapped out of her daze, and looked at me, bouncing up and down in place.

"Really? Oh my God, that is so cool!" She kissed my cheek, and hugged me, way too tight.

"Bella, air...." She let go and smiled big at me.

"Sorry. I'm just excited." I rolled my eyes.

"No, really?" She lightly punched my arm, and started running, pulling me with her to the cafeteria. Someone is excited to see Derek...

We went in and I went to our table, reserving the seats for everyone, even Derek. Nick and Ariana came over, Ari looking sad, and Nick looking a little mad. Hey. That rhymed.

"Hey, guys. Ari, what's wrong?" I asked them. I've known these two since freshman year, and even then they were inseparable. They were friends as long as Bella and I have been friends, so that's pretty long. Anyone can see Nick is in love with Ariana, but she is just plain oblivious.

Nick pulled out her chair and helped her sit, then sat next to her, across from me. "John cheated on her. They broke up." He patted her back. Her now ex-boyfriend, John Williams, was with her, what? Five years? And he cheated? The bastard. I shot up from my chair, and went around the table, bringing Ari into a big hug. She sobbed into my shirt and held on tightly. I knew Nick didn't mind me hugging her because I have confronted him on liking her and have told him to go for it. Ari was really pretty, with dark curly brown-ish black hair running down her back, a curvy body though she was short, and hazel eyes that changed from brown to green in different lighting. Her pale skin contradicted her dark hair, making her look absolutely exotic. Nick was almost her exact opposite; sun-kissed skin, muscular, tall (but not as tall as I am) light brown hair, dark brown, almost black, eyes... But opposites attract. And, anyone can confirm this, they would make a cute couple.

"Oh my gosh, Ari, I'm so sorry." I rocked her a little. She was crying, and I need to comfort her.

"Luke, I would be sorry for John, I'm gonna whoop that boy's ass," Nick said, rubbing Ari's back. I let go of her, and held her in front of me, and looked into her eyes.

"Ari, if he comes near you without your permission, you have to tell either me or Nick; got it?" She nodded, and wiped away some stray tears. Nick put his arm around her as I made my way back to my seat.

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