Chapter 13 - Not That I'd Want To.

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Chapter 13 - Not That I'd Want To.

*Luke's P.O.V.* 

Derek drove us back home, Zoe and Jason chatting idly in the back. Derek held my hand all the way there, and I could see him smiling to himself out of the corner of my eye. This has been such a strange day.

It started out with a kidnapping. Then a secret. And now this 'mates' thing.

Such a strange day.

Derek glanced at me and asked, "Something wrong, Angel?" His thumb grazed against the back of my hand sweetly.

"Nothings wrong. Just... thinking about today." Honestly, I don't think I'll ever see the world the same way again. I mean, if there are werewolves, then there could be other mystical creatures as well. Right?


Looking over at me once again, he asked, "Are you sure? You can tell me anything." Derek seemed happy. Not that I'm sad, it just that he seems to be... glowing, in a way. Radiant. And I am reluctant to say I'm happier with this new knowledge I have required. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. And I think that we may be moving too fast.

Lazily blinking after a moment or two, I responded, "It's not something I can say with Zoe in the car, and not aware of... well, you know." My hair was still soaking, and I could feel the wet beads trickling down my neck. Is it strange that I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be part of the rain? Maybe. Should I care whether I'm strange or not? Most likely. But all that doesn't matter. Suddenly, I feel those familiar sparks on my shoulder. I look over at Derek.

"Tell me tomorrow, at lunch. Or I can call you tonight?" I could hear the hope in his voice and cracked a smile. He wanted my phone number.

"Do you have a pen and some paper?" Derek smiled, and reached across me to the glove box. He pulled them out, and placed them on my lap. I took the Paper Mates pen-- laughing slightly at the irony-- and quickly wrote down my number.

We finally pulled up to our house, and I was about to get out when Derek grasped my hand a little harder. "Yes?" I asked him, sitting back down.

"Don't I get a good-bye kiss?" He smirked, then pulled me forward. I went with it, leaning toward him, and quickly pressed our lips together. The warm, tingly feeling enveloped me, and I found it profoundly hard to pull away.

Eventually, I did, and smiled at him. "Don't forget to pick us up tomorrow." I pecked him on the lips once more, and got out of the car. Zoe and Jason seemed to be having a little moment by our front door, and I chuckled. This should be fun.

I walked around them, and opened the door yelling out childishly, "Mom, Squirt is making out with some boy in front of the house again!"

Jason pulled back quickly. He said incredulously, "Again?"

Zoe stuck her tongue out at him, then glared at me. "Oh, shut up." She looked at Jason. "He's kidding. Don't worry."

"Yeah, your right, it wasn't in front of the house. It was in the kitchen! Totally forgot." I smiled sweetly at them, proceeding to enter the house and walk up to my room.

I opened the window, and waved at Derek. He looked like he was waiting for Jason still, and I could see him looking all about the house, studying it. Derek smiled back, his big green eyes sparkling.

When he finally drove away, I heard a knock at my door and looked over at my mom. "Hey, mom. What's up?"

She looked serious, and I prayed Squirt didn't tell her about Derek. "Luke, can you tell me why I saw you kissing another boy in that car?"

I gulped. "Mom--"

She cut me off, "I don't care if you're gay, but why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend? And so handsome, too!"

Good grief, how did I know this would happen? "Mom--"

"I mean, really! You looked so cute together, why didn't you tell me? You can tell me anything! What's his name?"

I sighed. "Derek."

She-- for the lack of a better term-- swooned. "Oh, how wonderful! Derek and Luke, how perfect!" God she sounds like she's ready to start making the wedding invitations already, jeez, "How long have you been together? I can't get over how you never told me!" She literally pounced onto me, nearly knocking me over, and hugged me tight. Man, this woman was strong.

I could hear Zoe singing from outside my door, "Luke-y and Derek, sittin' in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a ba-by in a baby carri--"

Mother interrupted, "Zoe! You know they can't reproduce! They'd have to adopt." My face burned in embarrassment. She's usually so calm and... less embarrassing. She only gets this way when she's tired.

"Mom, why don't you go take a nap? I'll just order some pizza for dinner." She smiled thankfully at me, knowing I understood her so well. Our dad had died a while back, and Zoe and I had really bonded with our mother. I knew everything there was to know about both of them.

My father died of cancer. It was rare, heart cancer, and though we do so well right now, back then our little family didn't make much money. We couldn't pay for treatment, and our father died because of that. So now, mom works hard and saves every extra penny. If only we had the money we have now back then.

I remember the funeral. It was a cloudy day, humid with the anticipation of rain, and it took place early morning. Zoe was a little tike, balling her eyes out next to our mother. They both were respectively wearing black dresses, and I wore a suit that was a bit too big and I had to keep readjusting the tie. I remember looking at my teary-eyed mother and crying sister, looking past them to my uncles and aunts, then thinking, 'I'm not strong enough.' My father was a good man, regularly going to mass, going to each and every one of the school productions Zoe and I had, just being their for my mother and sister. I knew at that moment, I'd never see him again, and I didn't think I was strong enough to handle it. I remember giving a speech about him, and then after I finished speaking, it was then when I realised I was crying. My father's death was a hard one, and I don't think any of us could forget it. Not that I'd want to.

"We Are the Champions" suddenly started playing, and I picked up the phone. I didn't recognise the numder. Was Derek calling already?

"Hello?" I asked slowly.

"Luke?" Phew. It was Derek.

"Hey, Derek." I smiled, then hoped Zoe wouldn't pick up another home phone to listen in.

"Hi, Angel. So, what was bothering you earlier?" Straight to the point, wasn't he?

"Um... I was wondering..." How should I put it?

"Yes?" He coaxed sweetly, urging me on.

"Are there... any other supernatural creatures around besides... werewolves?" I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Well, yes. There are many other "creatures" out there. And since we are on the topic, I think I might I have to tell you something..." Great, he sounds remorseful, what happened?

"Yes?" Now I was urging him to go on. Funny how our roles got switched like this.

"Well... since there are other paranormal species out there... each have a mate..."

"Yeah, like you werewolves?" So what if they have mates?

"Well, since half of you humans are given mates while the other half preserves your race... the people who do have mate have..." What's he trying to say?

"Yes, Derek?"

"Well if you are chosen to have a mate... then you get a mate from... each of the supernatural species..."




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