Chatper 8 - I Promise

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(Chapter 8)

*Luke's P.O.V.*

He kidnapped me. He really kidnapped me. I stared out the window of the car, not wanting to look at Derek. Through the rain, I could hardly see 5 feet in front of me. I wonder how Derek could be driving properly through this rain. He must have super vision if he could see the road ahead of us.

Anger, excitement, and confusion flowed through me. What I really don't get, is why my friends didn't come after us. Did they know he was going to do this? I know Bella was caught up with that new guy, so I don't blame her. But what about Ariana and Nick? Did they know he was going to drag me out of the cafeteria like a possessive caveman? What wonderful friends. I bet that new guy knew Derek was going to take me off somewhere. I just know it. And I regret putting on a white shirt this morning. Now you could see right through it.

"Luke, I'm going to tell you something, and you have to promise not to freak out." Derek said, breaking our comfortable silence. I turned toward him, squaring my shoulders in his direction. My heart fluttered at the though of him confiding in me.

The lump in my throat told me just to nod for him to continue. But he seemed to be waiting for something, so I finally said, "I-- I promise." I started to breath deeply, hoping whatever he said doesn't really freak me out.

He parked the car on the side of the road, and turned his body towards me. The determined look in his eyes melted me just a little bit. Knowing the determination was for me, well, that-- as girly as it sounds-- made my knees weak. I smiled in encouragement, urging him to go on. Why am I acting so nicely to him? I should be mad. I should be yelling at him for taking me. I shouldn't be smiling at him. My heart shouldn't be doing back flips, my palms shouldn't be sweaty, and I should most definitely not be turned on. But I am. I am turned on by how expressive his eyes are, by how possessive he is of me, by how open he is with liking me...

I put those thoughts into the farthest corner of my mind, and tried to pay attention to him. There I go again. I should be angry.

Derek reached a hand out and cupped my cheek. He thumb lazily brushed against my skin. I moaned a little at the tingling sensations that sent heat to my core. I closed my eyes and turned to his palm nuzzling it with my nose. He seemed to be encouraged by this because he leaned over and softly pressed his lips mine for but a moment. Heat surged through me from the small contact, and I shivered. The taste of his lips linger on mine, and his smell surrounded me. I took a few deep breaths to stay grounded and not float off to cloud 9.

Derek inhaled slowly, and let out the breath through his nose. He began, "I know you feel this... connection, this tingling feeling whenever we touch." He looked at me for confirmation. I hesitantly nodded. He looked a little relieved and continued, "I do, too. I'm going to tell you something you can't tell anyone. Promise me you won't say anything, Angel." Again with the 'Angel'.

I wanted him to trust me for reason. Nodding, I said, "I promise. You can tell me anything." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss my cheek. Outside of the car, the rain stopped coming down as hard, but was still a little heavier than a drizzle.

He said, "I want our relationship to be honest, okay? That is why I'm telling you this now. And try to keep an open mind." His smile replaced by a frown, Derek took a deep breath. He said softly -- so I almost couldn't hear, "I'm a.. werewolf." Is he crazy? There is no such thing as werewolves.

I gave him a incredulous look. "You're crazy."

Hurriedly, he said, "I could prove it!"

I bit my lip. "Okay. Then prove it." He smiled for some reason, and got out of the car. He motioned for me to do the same. I got out, not caring that it was still drizzling. I crossed my arms. He's crazy. First taking from school; now claiming he's a mythical beast. He is insane.

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