Chapter 12 - To Be The Rain

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"Ah, Zoe, get off!" She grinned at me, giving another bear hug, then quietly got off. She exclaimed, "I knew it!"

I got up and stuttered, "Um, did I say boyfriend? I meant...." I struggled for a word, "Um... Awe, forget it, I said boyfriend." 

Derek smiled at me, leaning over to plant a kiss on the side of my cheek, of which I turned away from, trying to hide the growing blush. I could hear Zoe squeal, and turned to her with my hands on my hips. "You are so not off the hook."  

Derek laughed behind me, and rapped his arms around my waist. "Angel, relax, they're only kids." 

I snorted, shaking my head, hoping some strands of my hair flick him. I mumbled, "Maybe that's the problem..." We might be 'mates' but I have some principals. Like, not letting my young thirteen year old sister make out with some kid. 

I eyed Jason, he resembled his brother so much. I mean, you could tell they were brothers from a mile away. Their hair colors may be different, but they had almost identical facial features, except Derek looked older, and his nose was a little crooked, like he broke it at one point.

"Why, thank you, Derek!" Zoe beamed, obviously not hearing me. She let Jason swing his arm around her shoulders, and I could see my little sister lean into Jason's embrace.

How lovely. My little sister is going to loose her virginity at such a young age.

"Fine, fine," I pointed at Jason, "But you must remember what we talked about." I crossed my arms, trying to get Derek off. Right now I must deal with this... this... situation. I swear on all that's holy, if this boy hurts my little sister, who knows what I'll do. As Bella would put it, I'd go 'crazy all over that boy's ass'. I mentally snorted. Like she needed a reason to go crazy.

"What, exactly, did you talk about?" I turned to Derek to see his eyebrows raised.  

"Oh, don't worry, we didn't discuss anything inappropriate." I looked back at Zoe and Jason, Squirt blushing, Jason seeming very amused. I winked at them, and put a finger to my lips, as if to say it'll be our little secret.

"Somehow, I get the feeling your lying to me, Angel."

"What? Me? Lying? Pshaw." I waved my hand dismissively, glancing at the two 8th graders. "Anyways, Squirt, Derek here is gonna drive us home."  

Jason smiled at us, then gave my sister a hug. "Hey! I can see you y'know," I shouted, brotherly instinct kicking in.

"If we ignore him, maybe he'll go away," Jason said in a hushed tone to Zoe, making her giggle.

"Hello! I can also hear you!"

Zoe giggled, and Jason smirked, ugh, both ignoring me, getting into their own conversation. I sighed, and looked around at the sturdy swing sets I used to hang around, the rusty old monkey bars that brought back so many memories, and then back at Derek, who was smiling lovingly at his brother and my sister.

And I wonder.

If Derek is a 'werewolf', does that mean Jason is one, too?

Is my little Zo-Zo his mate?

I felt something hit my nose. Then my ear. I lifted my head, and stared at the gray sky. I've always loved the rain, thick or thin, and wondered what it would be like, to be the rain. Would I fly, if only for those few moments, and water the earth, or would I fall, for less than a moment, and drown it?

"Luke, come on, let's get to the car. It's raining again." Derek grasped my forearm, and I relished in the heated tingles that burst from his finger tips to my body. I could see Zoe and Jason huddled together, running to the car, and couldn't help but feel my heart swell. My little sister has already found the love if her life, at thirteen. She seems so much happier. Usually our mother isn't home, and that effects her, believe it or not. I can tell whenever mom isn't home, how she seems to mope around. I feel her pain, and sometimes I can't distract her enough so she doesn't think about it. So that's why I generally let her friends come over, and I am much more lenient with rules around the house. I don't blame my mother, she does what she does to support us since our father died. And she's been doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

I started to follow my sister's example and started walking to the car when Derek's hand stopped me. "Okay, this is kinda cheesy but I want to do this," he said. Excitement pumped through my veins, and I knew exactly what he was about to do.

Derek pulled me up against his chest, fitting us together perfectly. I was lost in a haze of fireworks, aware of the thickening rain that fell on top of us. I slid my hands up his chest, and to his shoulders, gripping onto him for dear life. I'm still a little awkward with this... type of interaction with another guy, so when I grabbed on, I didn't know whether to pull him closer, or to push him away. So I stood there, grabbing fist fulls of his shirt, staring up into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that put the forest to shame.  

Derek's hands caressed my waist, and bent his head down, close to mine. The way he did this made my breath catch, and my nerve endings beg for more attention. His warm breath flitted across my lips, his proximity intimidating me, making me feel utterly dominated (Oi, I feel awkward XP). I itched to close that damned space that separated Derek from me, and decided what I needed to do with my hands. I started pulling him closer, slowly, so very slowly. 

Just as our lips were about to touch, I hear a Honk, and jumped away from Derek. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Derek's bicep, dragging him to the car. Water trickled down my face, my hair soaked for the third time today.

I got in, feeling awkward about getting his car seat wet, and lean over to try putting on the heater. It was cold in the car, then add the fact I'm drenched head to toe. Jason leaned over, pressing the right button I couldn't find.

"Thanks. And don't forget our little talk." Zoe smacked her palm to her forehead with a smack, and Derek raised an eyebrow at me as he got into the car.

"Tell what this talk was about."

"Oh my gosh, Luke just asked a three... harmless questions." Poor Zoe, she blushes almost as much as I do. Maybe it's a 'mate' thing. Or maybe it comes in the family.

"Like what?"

"Um... I asked if your brother liked Zoe, and if he was going to ask her out. Jeez." I glanced into the back seat, placing a finger to my lips again, and saw Zoe roll her eyes.

"That is only two questions. Zoe said you asked three."

"Oh hey, you need our address, right?" I smiled innocently, hoping this was believe able.

"Oh, whatever, I give up. Okay fine, what's your address?"

I told him the directions, and leaned back into my seat. I didn't even fight it when Derek's hand snaked it's way over to me, and grabbed my own, entwining our fingers.

And for the first time in my short life, I felt whole.


Okay, sorry, don't hate me! I know I took a long time to update, I've just been playing with different ways to continue this story. So, I've decided to take up an idea from someone who commented for the continuation of the story and gave a suggestion. so, there we go :P  

--Crumbles :P

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