Chapter 7 - Kidnapped

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*Luke's P.O.V.*

Through out all of the 1st and 2nd periods, Derek glared a hole through me. After the bell finally rang during second period, I jump up from my seat, and hurried to the door. I made about four steps down the hall before Derek grabbed my arm and made me stop. He turned me around, and just... held me there.

I tried to pull back, but he had a iron grip. Trying to ignore the fireworks, I pushed against his chest in a futile attempt to get him off of me. He took a deep breath and released me, but his eyes watched my every move. He seemed to be calming himself down.

"Luke, can we... talk at lunch? I want to speak to you about something...." His voice trailed off. 

I blushed. "Um. Yeah. We can talk then." For some unfailing reason, I couldn't speak properly with him near. Derek smiled, and brushed his fingers against my cheek lightly. We stayed in that position until the warning bell rang, and I snapped back to my senses, moving away from him. I muttered, "Uh.. Bye..."

He smiled and waved as I walked away to my next class.


* Lunch Time *

After the bell rang, I went to Bella's locker -- we needed to keep up the act if I was going to convince Derek to leave me alone. She was there, checking her hair in the mirror she always kept in her locker just in case. Back in freshman year, she came to school late because she overslept, so I didn't see her in the morning to warn her that her hair was everywhere, just a big tangled mess. When lunch time came, I was waiting for her to get to our table, and when she did, Nick and Arianna burst into laughter while I just stared wide eyed. She looked at them both like they were crazy, hair un-straightened, going in every direction. I finally pulled her into the empty hall, and told her to go to the bathroom. Bella obeyed suspiciously. When she came back, her was tamed better, in a pony tail, and an embarrassed blush spread across her cheeks.

I walked up to her, placing a kiss on her cheek. People were looking at us, whispering with there friends. Bella looked a little shocked, but then remembered what she had promised to do for me. She hugged me, and then giggled. "Hey hey, Luke-y-kins!" She then whispered to me, "Does Derek believe that we're going out?"

I nodded. "Don't you have third period with him? In gym?"

She shook her head. "Not today. Today was free period."

"Oh, yeah. I totally forgot." She then looped arms with me, and skipped us to the lunch room. It was started raining during second period, so going outside wasn't an option.

Derek was already there, sitting where he did yesterday, next to my seat, but someone was with him. He was also taller than me, -- Shocking! -- dirty blond hair, lightly tanned skin, and from what I could tell from so far away, his eyes are brown. He looked new, also. I had actually heard that a bunch of people moved to our town this year, but I didn't think much of it. I whispered to Bella, "Hey could you quickly text Ari about our little plan."

She nodded. "Two steps ahead of you. I did that during free period. Nick, too." I let out a long breath, relief flowing through my veins. I wrapped my around around her, pulling her close. After a deep breath, I walked us to the table. I led Bella to my seat, and pulled out the chair for her. Who said chivalry was dead? Nick winked at us, chuckling softly. I told Bella, "I'll go get out lunches." Derek's glared burned a whole through my center, so I rushed off to get into the lunch line.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

Luke left the table, and I turned to Derek. He was glaring at me, with a jealous look in his eyes-- it kind of scared me a little. He practically growled at me, saying, "So you're really going out?"

I nodded slowly. "Yes. We started going out recently, actually."

Nick snorted, "Very recently." Ari elbowed him. He shut up. I looked past Derek and gasped. Dirty blond hair, deep brown eyes, perfect tan skin... His melodic voice sent shivers down my spine. "Hi, I'm Dylan..." He seemed to be in as much of a trance as I am... I croak, "Bella."

He suddenly reached across Derek to shake my hand. His engulfed mine, and warm feeling ran up my arm, and to my chest.  He smiled at me, flashing his white teeth, and then turned to Derek to whisper something I couldn't hear. Derek automatically brightened. He said to me, losing the hard, jealous voice from before, "Hey, do you wanna switch seats? So you and Dylan can get to know each other better."

I nodded stiffly, getting up, and sitting back down next to Dylan. I nearly forgot about Luke when he came back to the table, seeing that Derek and I switched, setting down both of our lunches. He slid my tray to me, across Derek. He sat down slowly.

Sorry, Luke...

*Luke's P.O.V.*

As I walked back to the table, I observed that Derek and Bella switched seats. That other guy and Bella seemed to be... staring at each other... So, I guess we're done pretending. I'm happy she found someone she likes, now I need to convince Derek I'm not... gay...  Just because whenever we touch my skin prickles, doesn't mean I understand why it happens, or want to understand why it happens. The fact is, I've never been into other guys.

Derek seemed pretty happy Bella and that guy get along. I slide her tray across Derek and to where she was now sitting. I placed my own lunch down, and slowly sat next to Derek. Nick and Ariana went into their own conversation, completely ignoring us. Bella was twirling her hair, and giggling at whatever Mystery Boy was saying, grinning at her.  Turning my gaze around, I saw Derek was staring at me. I did promise I'd talk with him. I turned to him, running a hand through my hair. I started off, "Okay, so maybe I was lying when I said Bella and I were dating."

He smiled, leaning in, lips brushing my ear lightly, "It's okay, now I have you all to myself." He bit down on my earlobe. I let out a gasp, while he smiled at me a little too innocently. He scooted his chair 'til we were right next to each other, and placed his arm around me. I couldn't help but blush and lean into his warmth. His chest rumbled as he let out a small moan. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes, and allowed myself to enjoy the moment, and forget everything that kept me from him. Derek leaned down and kissed the top of my head. He then rested his cheek on me, inhaling deeply.

Feeling eyes on me, I opened my own, and took a look around. A lot of people were looking at us, girls whispering, some guys looking disgusted. I moved away from Derek, well, I tried to. He growled, and  tightened his grip on the arm around me. I looked up at him, to see that he was scowling at everyone looking at us. He called out, "What're you looking at?" Most people looked away, and resumed talking with their friends. Derek looked down at me. I asked him shyly, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

He leaned down, and nibbled on my ear. "Us." I moaned a little when he started trailing kisses down my neck. My hands reached up, as if they had a mind of their own, and grabbed onto his hair. He groaned, and started kissing a little harder, while I made a small noise in the back of my throat. Leaning back, I came to my senses, and fended off Derek's kisses. He looked up at me, his pupils dilated. He growled, getting up, and taking me with him as he walked us out of the Lunch Room, like a possessive caveman.

He took us outside, in the pouring rain, and picked me up bridal style. He ran to a car I was guessing to be his, and set me down in the passenger seat.

I think I was just kidnapped.

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