Chapter 6 - Yeah. Bella is my Girfriend...?

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Hey, enjoy the story :)

(and a special thank you to COOKIE for writing supportive comments in the Author's Note sections of my stories; Cookie wrote this [:)




*Luke's P.O.V.*

Hopping out of the shower, I draped a towel around my waist. Today my mission is to avoid Derek as much as possible. I went to my dresser and decided to wear just a white tee shirt, and jeans. Grabbing my things for school, I went down the stairs, and towards the kitchen.

Hearing the stove, I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Mom?"

She turned around, and smiled big. "Luke! Good morning. I'm making you and Zoe eggs."

I went and gave her a hug. "How was your business trip? Your creep of a boss didn't give you any trouble, did he?" Her boss, Dan, keeps hitting on my mom. She doesn't respond to his advances, because she doesn't want to mix her work and love life. But that doesn't really stop Dan from asking her out every day. Sigh.

She laughed and shook her head. "No, no, Dan wasn't on this trip. So, how was your first day? Is Bella doing well?"

I grabbed a slice of toast, and said, "Bella is fine. Crazy as usual."

She raised an slender eyebrow at me. "And your first day at school?"

I waved my hand at her, biting my lip. "Oh, do you need to ask me that?"

She eyed me suspiciously. "Yes. Yes, I do. Because I'm your mom. And you should tell me anything I would need to know." She turned to me fully. "What happened?"

I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. "Mom, I don't really want to talk about it."

Right then Zoe decided it was a good time to appear. "Hey, mom! Your back!"

Mom walked over, and gave Zoe a hug. "I trust that your brother has been good to you."

Squirt groaned. "He embarrassed me in front of Jason." Mom raised an eyebrow.

I snorted. "Like you didn't embarrass yourself. I only helped.'' She smacked my arm.

My mother smiled. "Tell me about this 'Jason'." Zoe blushed bright red.

I pretended to flip my hair with my hand. "Well, he's got just the dreamy-ist eyes ever and the best-est hair, and, well, he's a amazing hugger, and--"

My mother cut me off by raising her hand. "I was asking Zoe. You big ham. I don't understand why you don't go out for the plays at your school. I think you'd do well."  I rolled my eyes.

Grabbing a plate while my mother and sister squealed about Jason, I got my eggs, and sat down.

After both Zoe and I ate, I grabbed my keys and went out to the car, yelling out, "Come on, Squirt! You don't wanna be late, right?'' She immediately ran out.

I glanced over at her. "Hey, Zoe, can you not tell mom about-- you know." I cleared my throat. It was a touchy subject for me right now, and I just need to sort out my thoughts.

She nodded. "I won't tell her. And could you not embarrass me in front of Jason ever again?"

I pretended to be torn. "But that is too hard." I raised a hand to scratch my imaginary beard. "You gotta deal, Squirt." She smiled at me.

I parked in front of her school and said to her, "Hey, you be careful with this Jason character. You just met him. Take things slow."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah, yeah, thanks mom." I ruffled her hair lovingly.

"See ya later, Luke." She got out of the car, and I waved to her from the inside. Then, I was off to my doom-- I mean school.

I parked my car, got out, and looked around the parking lot for Nick. He and Ari seemed to be in a deep conversation so I just went inside to my locker. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was leaning against my locker.

So much for avoiding him...

I shyly approached, and felt a little giddy when he turned toward me with a drool-worthy smile. I let him hug me, and felt him nuzzle my neck. Tingles shot everywhere he touched, and my heart raced, trying to understand. But it just can't be explained by anything I could say. I slowly released him, my face red, and took a step back. He just followed me, though.

"Hey, Derek." I blushed at his smile. But disappeared in a moment.

"Luke, can I ask you something?" He said, timidly, afraid I'd say no. For a moment I pondered what he wanted to ask me. Is he gonna ask me out? Please, God, don't let him ask me to go out.

He raised a hand and brushed the backs of his finger tips across my cheek-- which only made me blush more. I stuttered, "Um, sure. What do you want to know?" His eyes connected with mine, and for a long moment everything in my head stopped, and drowned in his vibrant green eyes. They conveyed so much emotion, I had to catch myself from swooning.

He looked down, then back up to my eyes. "Are you-- I mean, you and Bella-- you aren't going out... are you?" He looked so hopeful, and determined. I cocked my head to the side. Where did he get that idea? Wait-- this could be my chance!

I flipped the switch and put on my best serious face. "Yeah. Bella is my girlfriend." 

The look in his eyes hardened just a bit, and he murmered under his breath, "Well, I'll just have to change that, won't I?"   

Hearing Bella call out my name, I took a step back from Derek, opened my locker, and quickly grabbed my things. I looked back at Derek to see him eyeing the space between us, annoyed. I turned my attention to Bella who was, naturally, skipping down the hall to us.

Before she could say anything, I said to her, "Could I talk to you?"

She tilted her head at me, glanced at Derek suspicously. "Sure?" I grabbed her upper arm, and dragged her around the corner, and into an empty classroom. "Luke, what's wrong? What'd I miss?"

"I need you to do me a huge favor." I said quietly, afraid someone could hear through the door.

She eyed me. "Sure."

I placed a hand on her arm. "I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."

She squinted her eyes at me. "This is about Derek, isn't it?" I nodded. "Fine. Whatever. But you owe me, mister." It's weird how she knows when to be serious.

I jumped in excitement, and smiled at her, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I totally owe you!" I tugged on her arm, and we walked out of the empty classroom. Derek was still by my locker when we passed. To play it up, I put my arm around around Bella's shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at me, and looked down at my hand that looped around her shoulder. I tilted my head back in Derek's direction, and she nodded in understanding. She then proceeded to kiss my cheek.

I glanced back at Derek to see him shaking in anger. He narrowed his eyes at Bella. I could've sworn I heard him growl.

I pulled Bella faster down the hall as the bell rang. I could practically feel Derek's glare.

I walked Bella to her class, thanking her, then went to my own.

Don't you think today's gonna be fun?



I love how Luke's mom calls him a "big ham." That is motherly love right there.

- Cookie :3

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