Chapter 2: Expecting the Unexpected

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—Setting: Trent's apartment; at 7:25 AM—

Trent had been waiting for Gwen to come out of the bathroom for the past few minutes.

He wondered how she was feeling.

"I hope she's okay." Trent thought to himself.

Gwen walked out of the bathroom a few seconds later and hugged Trent.

"It turns out I am pregnant. We're going to be parents." Gwen told him.

"I see." Trent said to her.

"Have you decided on a plan yet?" Trent asked.

"I have; and I don't think we can hide this anymore." Gwen replied.

"I'm not getting an abortion or giving up my baby for adoption. We're going to raise our child together and we have to tell our parents even though they could be mad at us." she suggested.

"This baby needs both of us; so I'm with you on your plan." Trent agreed.

"Thank you for not leaving me." Gwen complimented him.

"I think I will take it easy for now; and we should call our parents later today." she thought.

—12:25 PM—

Gwen picked up her cell phone to call her mom after discussing her plan with Trent and resting for a few hours.

The phone call went through slowly.

"Hi Mom, I have something to tell you." Gwen said nervously as she got a hold of her mother.

"What is it sweetie? You seem a little tense." Gwen's mother asked through her phone.

"About that, I know you might be angry at me. However to be honest with you, I found out I was pregnant." Gwen told her mother.

"Are you sure about it?" her mom asked staggeringly.

"I am. Trent and I had a night together a little over two weeks ago; and this morning I took the test and it turned out positive." Gwen replied to her mother.

"So you are, and Trent is the father of your baby." her mom said.

"Yes. I know it may have been a hasty decision and I got myself into this mess, but I really love Trent; and we were planning to get married." Gwen replied again.

"I will need to think about this first." her mother told her.

"Okay then." Gwen said as she ended the conversation with her mother.

Trent dialed his father's mobile number.

He wondered how his parents would react to his fiancée's condition.

His father answered the phone call.

"Good afternoon Trent, it's been a few months since your mother and I last saw you. Anything new?" Trent's father asked.

"Yes Dad. My fiancée and I got into a tight situation." Trent replied.

"What happened, is everything alright between the two of you?" his father asked again.

"Well, Gwen spent a night with me and I got her pregnant; and she and I have been planning to keep the baby." Trent replied to his father again.

Trent's father appeared stunned for the moment.

"If she is, we may accept your plan under certain circumstances; but for now please make sure Gwen is okay." Trent's father replied to him as he thought deeply.

"I will." Trent said as he ended the call with his father.

—12:35 PM—

Gwen and Trent put their phones away and extended their discussion.

"I don't know if my mom will approve of our plan, but I hope she does." Gwen said to Trent.

"My parents are also unsure about it; yet I don't think they will discourage us." Trent replied to her.

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