Chapter 3: The Agreement

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—Setting: Trent's apartment; at 1:35 PM—

An hour passed while Gwen and Trent were waiting for their parents' response.

"My mom has not called or texted me back yet." Gwen said to Trent.

"I'm also waiting for my parents to reply." Trent told her.

"Maybe we should wait a little longer."

Just then, Trent received a message from his parents.

"My father had a further discussion with my mother and they said they would accept our plan." Trent said as he checked his cell phone message box.

"I'm so glad they did." Gwen replied to Trent.

"I wonder if my mom will agree as well." she thought.

Gwen checked her phone again.

A new message appeared.

"My mom said she will approve of our plan, but she wants us to show other responsibilities." Gwen told Trent.

"What types?" Trent asked her.

"She would like us to prove that we can live more independently and are ready to be good parents." Gwen replied to him.

"That sounds reasonable." Trent said to her.

"I think we can both agree on this." Gwen considered.

Trent thought of something that might bring him and Gwen closer together.

"Since my parents and your mom made their decision, we may have to visit each other's families for this occasion." Trent suggested.

"I would like to see your parents." Gwen replied.

"There's a chance your mom would like to see me too." Trent said.

"We should contact our parents again to let them know."

—2:00 PM—

Both Trent and Gwen received messages.

"My folks said it's okay for us to visit them tomorrow afternoon." Trent said after receiving another message.

"I also got a text from my mom." Gwen said.

"She said I can visit your family; and we can meet with her later this week." Gwen told him.

"I think we've got this schedule settled." Trent concluded.

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