Chapter 7: Old Acquaintances, New Lives

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—15 days later—

It finally came to the phase where Gwen could no longer hide her pregnancy from the other contestants.

She would have to tell them if she were to keep her child or compete on Total Drama again.

**sets to Gwen's perspective**

Gwen's POV:

This turning point may have affected my life more than I thought; the fact that one night made major changes.

I suppose Trent and I will have to exceed our limits on what we originally planned if we were to be a family.

**switches to Trent's perspective**

Trent's POV:

The things Gwen and I have been through were not exactly as we expected.

Our plan seems to be working, but we might have to add more to it.

I think we're going to handle this situation correctly if we put our minds into it.

**end perspectives**

—Scene at the mall; at 2:10 PM—

Gwen was browsing the shops for maternity clothes with Trent and Bridgette.

"It's kind of hard to find clothing that comes in dark colors in these stores." Gwen thought.

"I wonder if any of these clothes that fit my size come in black."

Bridgette managed to find a black skirt while Gwen was browsing in a different section with Trent.

She wanted to show it to Gwen.

"Hey Gwen, I thought you might like this so I picked it out for you." Bridgette said to Gwen while holding the black skirt.

"Thanks, it's really nice. I think I'll try it out in the fitting room." Gwen said to her.

"I'm glad you like it." Bridgette replied.

The three of them continued browsing and eventually checked out.

—2:25 PM—

Gwen, Trent, and Bridgette went to the mall café for a snack a quarter of an hour after shopping.

They suddenly ran into Courtney at one of the tables.

"Hi Courtney, we haven't seen you in a few months. How's law school going?" Bridgette asked.

"I've been studying hard to get my degree. I'm still not a lawyer yet." Courtney replied.

"That's okay. Keep up the hard work I know you're going to pass." Bridgette said to her.

"Thanks." Courtney commented.

"How are you and Gwen doing?" she asked Bridgette.

"We're fine." Bridgette replied to Courtney.

Courtney noticed Gwen's bulging abdomen.

"I see Gwen's tummy has gotten larger. By any chance is she expecting?" Courtney asked.

"Well, I am." Gwen replied.

"I know you're with Trent again and I'm pretty sure Duncan isn't the father." Courtney said to Gwen.

"My baby's father is Trent for sure." Gwen told her.

"Gwen is right. She and I love each other a lot and we sorta planned this." Trent told Courtney.

"Wow, congrats." Courtney complimented.

"How is Duncan anyway?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Duncan is still in prison and he wants me to bail him out." Courtney told them.

Gwen and her friends were confounded from Courtney's words.

"If Duncan does get out of jail, he'd better learn his lesson." Gwen said to Courtney.

"I hope he will respect my relationship with Gwen if he finds about what's going on between me and her." Trent said to her.

"We can't be certain of that, but I also hope he changes his ways." Courtney said to them.

Courtney still liked Duncan, but she would not admit it.

—2:50 PM—

It wasn't long before Zoey showed up at the mall with her boyfriend Mike and came across Gwen and her friends.

"Hi Gwen, it's nice to see you again." Zoey greeted Gwen.

"It's nice seeing you too." Gwen replied to her.

"I know I haven't spoke to you for a while, but I wanted to tell you I'm pregnant." Gwen told Zoey.

"You are? I'm guessing the father is Trent." Zoey questioned.

"Yep." Gwen answered.

"That's amazing." Zoey thought.

"How are you and Mike so far?" Gwen asked.

"Mike and I are having a great time together and we came to the mall for a dinner date." Zoey replied.

"That sounds sweet." Gwen said to them.

"My life with Zoey has been much better now since I conquered my multiple personality disorder." Mike said to Gwen.

"Zoey and I might have kids someday too."

Gwen checked her clock.

"I think Trent, Bridgette, and I need to get going now. I might see you another time." Gwen said to Zoey and Mike.

"Alright, bye." Zoey said as she and Gwen ended the chat.

"This day wasn't so bad." Gwen thought to herself.

"I think Trent and I can live through this new life."

"I just wonder what will happen to us when we have to compete again after my baby is born."

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