Chapter 5: Other Side of the Family

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—Setting: Gwen's apartment; at 1:40 PM; 2 days later—

Two days passed and Gwen prepared to meet up with Trent again that afternoon.

"Trent will be meeting with my family later today. My mom already knows Trent, yet I wonder what my brother will think of him." Gwen thought to herself.

—Scene at Trent's apartment; at 1:55 PM—

Gwen met up with her fiancé for a short time before taking him to see her family.

"I know my mom will be glad to see you; but I'm not sure how my brother would react." Gwen told Trent.

"It's likely that he will respect our feelings because he's a young adult now." Trent replied to her.

"I think we can be sure with that." Gwen thought.

—Scene at Gwen's family's house; around 2:40 PM—

Gwen was still experiencing some tension with her condition when she and Trent met with her mom.

She thought she should thoroughly discuss important things with her mother about what she planned with Trent.

"I need some further examples of the responsibilities I should take. Can you give me a few?" Gwen asked her mom.

"You will need to know about the work and costs to care for a child." her mom replied.

"Caring for a baby isn't easy and it can be very expensive."

"I know that; on the other hand, Trent and I have grown more mature and independent over time and I think we can take proper care of the baby." Gwen replied to her mother.

"I believe what Gwen says is true." Trent said to Gwen's mom.

"Even though the two of us had a night of unprotected sex, I'm pretty sure Gwen and I can do research on child care and hope for the best."

"That would be something sensible, I won't dismay you two." Gwen's mother agreed.

—2:50 PM—

The conversation between Gwen and her mom paused and her brother entered the room.

Gwen's brother was surprised to see his sister's fiancé in person for the first time and was curious about his presence.

"Hey Gwen, anything new going on between you and your boyfriend? It's been some time since I last saw you." Gwen's brother asked.

"Well, yes. Trent and I have been through a lot and he's now my fiancé." Gwen replied to her brother.

"That's cool. I see you brought him over." her brother commented.

"You probably remember me from seasons one and two of Total Drama." Trent said to Gwen's brother.

"I've seen you on that reality show with my sister several times." Gwen's brother replied.

"Is there a reason why Gwen brought you over to visit?" Gwen's brother asked Trent.

Just before Trent spoke out, Gwen pulled him towards her for a private talk.

"Um, Trent..." Gwen whispered to Trent in his ear.

"What is it?" Trent asked as he whispered back to her.

"I think I should be the one to let my brother know what's going on. It's kinda personal." Gwen whispered to him.

"Alright, I get it." Trent replied to her softly.

Her brother waited for her to respond.

"Trent is visiting because he and I are facing a new experience." Gwen explained to her brother.

"What happened between the two of you?" Gwen's brother asked again.

"I don't want you to thoughtlessly talk about this; the truth is, I'm pregnant." Gwen replied.

Gwen's brother was confounded from hearing his sister's words.

"I'm guessing this is why you and Mom were talking on the phone the last few days." her brother said.

"Maybe." Gwen considered.

It came to Gwen that she had more important things to discuss with her mom.

"It was nice talking to you, but I need to talk to Mom some more." Gwen said to her brother.

"Okay." her brother replied.

—Scene at Gwen's apartment; at 4:00 PM—

Gwen made it back to her apartment after dropping Trent off at his apartment.

She thought of how becoming a mother would affect her future.

"I'm still unsure about sustaining gestation at a full term; however if it is successful I'll have to adapt to a new lifestyle." she thought to herself.

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