Chapter 10: Reflecting Realities

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-11 days later-

**sets to Gwen's perspective**

Gwen's POV:

For the past week and a half, Trent and I have been preparing for the birth of our daughter.

I haven't gone into labor yet; but there's a chance it may happen any time now and I know it's not going to be comfortable.

I'm just hoping my child and I won't be in adverse conditions.

**switches to Trent's perspective**

Trent's POV:

Gwen and I are both excited to be parents, but I'm also concerned about her.

She's going to experience labor and childbirth for the first time and I don't want her to be in a critical state.

**end perspectives**


-Setting: Trent's apartment; at 8:00 PM-

Gwen was spending time with Trent that evening watching reruns of their reality show performance on TV.

"I feel like these nostalgic videos of our past lives bring back a lot to us." Gwen told Trent.

"Same here. Those memories were remarkable; although not all of them were good." Trent replied to her.

"I can agree with that." Gwen answered.

"I don't know if I can forgive Heather for stealing my diary and reading it to the public, pantsing me in front of cameras, ambushing you, and other mean things she's done to us and our friends." she said to Trent.

"That was really mean of her." Trent agreed with Gwen.

"I hope she got what she deserved over these years."


"Both of us have been through a lot but there were also some good times." Gwen said.

"I remember our first kiss. It was one of our best memories." Trent told her.

"I like how we got back together." Gwen commented.


-Scene with Gwen and Trent's memories-

***Flashback Scene***

A past scene showed Gwen apologizing to Trent a few years after the incident from TDA.

"I'm very sorry for breaking up with you back then; I really regretted it." Gwen told Trent deeply.

"I understand, and I'm sorry for throwing challenges unintentionally out of panicking." Trent replied.

"Breaking up with you was one of the biggest mistakes in my life." Gwen said to him.

"I hated how Duncan deceived me."

"We never truly meant to hurt each other." Trent regarded.

"I know, and I love you for who you are; not for your similar interests." Gwen told him.

"I love you for the same way." Trent replied again.

They then made up and hugged.

***Flashback Ends***


-8:10 PM-

The video Gwen and Trent were watching ended after a few minutes.

"I'm going to load the next episode." Trent said.

Just before Trent played the next video on his TV, Gwen unexpectedly felt contractions from her body and ran to the bathroom.


Gwen walked out of the bathroom 2 minutes later clutching her stomach.

"Gwen, are you alright?" Trent asked her.

"My stomach started to feel weird and I noticed my water broke." Gwen replied in discomfort.

"I see you're in labor and I'd better take you to the hospital." Trent said frantically.


Trent quickly got Gwen into his car and drove her to the hospital.


-Scene at the hospital; at 8:25 PM-

It took a little over 10 minutes for Trent to bring Gwen to the delivery room; but Gwen was still okay

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It took a little over 10 minutes for Trent to bring Gwen to the delivery room; but Gwen was still okay.

The doctors settled her down on a hospital bed to give birth.

"Gwen, take a deep breath. I know you're going to be okay." Trent told Gwen.

Gwen inhaled and exhaled.

She then felt more contractions.

"I guess this is what they mean by 'labor pains'." Gwen said in pain sarcastically.


The midwife told Gwen to push.

**sets to Gwen's perspective**

Gwen's POV:

I was trying really hard to give birth and it was hard and painful.

My baby still hasn't come out yet and I don't know if I need a c-section.

**switches to Trent's perspective**

Trent's POV:

It seemed like Gwen wanted a second option, but I held her hand and told her to keep trying.

**switches to Trent's perspective**Trent's POV:It seemed like Gwen wanted a second option, but I held her hand and told her to keep trying

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**switches back to Gwen's perspective**

Gwen's POV:

I heard Trent's voice and I knew he was encouraging me to not give up.

He held my hand and I pushed as hard as I could.

I then heard the sound of my child's first breath and cries.

**end perspectives**


-8:37 PM-

"That was hard work. I need a break." Gwen thought to herself after she gave birth.

A nurse handed her baby to her.

Her baby had dark brown hair and green eyes

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Her baby had dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Congrats. Your baby was born a week early, but she's healthy." the nurse said.

"I'm glad she is." Gwen replied.

Trent sat next to Gwen and held the baby.

"Did we finally narrow down the right name for our new daughter?" Trent asked Gwen passionately.

"Yes." Gwen replied to him.

"Her first name will be 'Erika', and her two middle names will be 'Rayven' and 'Wrenn'."

"I did have second thoughts, but I think we'll confirm this." Trent agreed.

" Trent agreed

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This is the story and chapter's conclusion.

I have a new story coming up soon. Be free to read it when I post it.

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